v5.4.0 (28/07/2024)
- php warnings when selection single location or single map [Modal] [Backend]
- location not saving when using MariaDB [Frontend]
v5.2.0 (07/06/2024)
- compatiblity with last Joomla 5.1+
- thumb container not completely hidden if locaton has no image [Info box]
- read more button and a lot of empty space [Info box]
- hide intro text was not working [Info box]
- marker link if set to no link doesn't hide.
- Filtertext method compatiblity with J5 [XML Forms]
v5.1.0 (01/03/2024)
- use weekly js version of googlemaps
- issues when publishing items in Lengends and location types
- filter was not working correctly [Legends list view] [Backend]
- filter was missing [Legends list view] [Backend]
v5.0 (25/11/2023)
New Features
- Joomla 5 support without BC plugin
- some php warnings
v4.9.2 (01/10/2023)
- maxZoom property now accept 21 & 22 values
- some issues in update sql files
v4.9.0 (04/09/2023)
- custom fields buttons now use BS5 styling [Location types List]
- lang tag removed from files [Languages]
- Product info widget links
- checking tables was not working
v4.8.0 (01/09/2023)
- some issues in database on new installation
- possible fatal error if user state not set [Locations Helper]
v4.7.2 (13/01/2023)
New Features
- New module that let you display locations view with map and tabs
- exclude maps field UI/UX [My location plugin]
- show/hide fields related to link type based on selected value [Edit location]
- many map view layouts converted to global layouts for better reuse
- location link type feature was not working correctly [Location]
v4.6.0 (04/11/2022)
- add location button now use Layout for better reuse and overriding
- removed some non used css code
- infox box info with scrollbar on small devices
- some sql issues
v4.5.0 (28/07/2022)
- Locations list now use JLayout for better reuse
- Custom tabs now use JLayout for bettere reuse
- Show Locations list tab first was not working
v4.4.0 (03/06/2022)
New Feature
- support Key integration [Joomla Core]
- Ability to make infobox visible by default [Location module]
- display map custom style [Location module]
- ability to enable/disable map custom style [Location module]
- Download ID widget removed, no more needed [Dashboard]
- display only published locations [Location Module]
- duplicate updateservers tag in xml files
- jQuery was not loaded [Location module]
v4.3.0 (13/05/2022)
- Geocoder tool now use JLayout and form field for better reuse
- email body now display all supported placeholders
- image infobox in tab was not responsive
- missed JText constants in geocoder tool modal
v4.2.9 (17/04/2022)
New Feature
- Ability to display map title on new location notification
- label colors field was not saving [Location type]
v4.2.8 (13/04/2022)
- label colors field was not saving [Location type]
v4.2.7 (04/02/2022)
New Features
- ability to enable/disable editor buttons from config [Location Form]
- support of Joomla plugin display events on infobox of markers
- New tab for submission settings [Config]
- map actions now use JLayout for better reuse [J4]
- js code responsible for map buttons now use Joomla asset feature [J4]
- default_legend_buttons view layout no more used, now we use layout in /layouts/map/actions.php
v4.2.4 (04/02/2022)
- Add location modal wrong link
- Modal not closing after saving location
- Auto approve feature was not working correctly
v4.2.3 (01/02/2022)
- No need to display alias duplicate generation warning in frontend [Location Form]
- Location routing url was not working properly [Routing]
- Issue with saving location redirection [Location Form]
- Hide edit location if user is not the author of item
- PHP Warnings in location table
- Double saving message [Location Form]
v4.2.1 (24/01/2022)
- Image + metadata columns missed default val [SQL]
- Introtext + full text displaying issue [Location View]
- issue with state [SQL]
- tooltip hide state icon [List view]
- info column doesn't display in some cases [Location View]
v4.1.8 (18/01/2022)
New Feature
- Ability to show/hide add location button [Map View] [J4]
v4.1.7 (24/12/2021)
- download ID save was not working correctly
- ACL Asset issue in frontend
- Added some more spaces in add location modal
v4.1.6 (21/12/2021)
- 2 zoom levels was added [All Forms]
- Auto version [Build]
- geocoder tool modal was not opening correctly
- wrong version was extracted from update manifest
- missed description [XML] [FitBounds]
- Database structure issue [SQL]
- PHP Warning whe storing config [Dashboard]
v4.1.3 (06/09/2021)
- Some improvements on UI/UX [Location view]
- Infobox now use JLayout for better reuse
- Infobox UI/UX improved
- Map header now use JLayout for better reuse [Map view]
- All old assets removed of bootstrap and fontawesome
- Nowe we use webassets to load jQuery and core scripts
- Map style definition was not working [MapStyles Plugin] [Location View]
- Don't strip html in tabs [Map Edit]
- Fatal error when mapstyles plugin enabled
- Location type ref not saved [Location Form]
- Autodetection of title [Map View]
- Show/hide header was not working [Map View] [Menu Item]
- Description field was missed [Edit Location type]
- PHP warning if no tabs set yet [Map view]
- Missed folder src in frontend
- fontawesome icons removed in top of product info icons [Dashboard]
- Make sure some plugins disabled by default on new installation
- Language files missed in repo [Legacy search plugin]
v4.0 (04/09/2021)
- Compatiblity with Joomla 4
- Update bootstrap 5
- Map tabs now use Joomla repeatable field
- Some missed language constants
- Removed non used assets (js and css files)
v1.3.2 (30/10/2020)
- Ability to select map and location from modal [Menu items manager] [Backend]
- New modern dashboard based on BS4 [Backend]
- Some wrong icons in sidebar navigation [Backend]
v1.3.1 (12/05/2020)
- UI improvements in modal form [Map Form]
- Fullscreen UI improved [Fullscreen mode]
- Display toolbar at the bottom of form [Map Form]
- Use Joomla custom fields by default on new installation [Config Params]
- Some wrong words in some language constants [MapStyles Plugin]
- PHP warning when segment doesn't exist [Router]
- Custom fields doesn't display [Map Form] [Frontend]
- Wrong not allow message when checking autorisation [Map Form] [Frontend]
v1.3.0 (16/03/2020)
New Features
- Joomla! Custom fields integration per location type.
- Namespaced Bootstrap 4 no more conflicts with old Bootstrap versions
- Joomla captcha integration in location form view
- Users can submit locations
- Routing system improved
v1.2.3 (15/12/2018)
- Changing items state in list don't work in Joomla 3.9.0 and higher [All list views] [backend]
- Remove primary type from other types [location view] [backend]
- Deprecated code [location view] [backend]
- $this->getForm() replaced with $this->form [location view] [backend]
- Duplicated set query in checklocationtypes method [location view]
v1.2.2 (15/11/2018)
New Features
- Ability to add custom css that applies on JoomMap views
- Added Plugins menu in left sidebar [Backend]
- Download ID input don't save the value [Backend dashboard]
- Added Plugins menu in left sidebar [Backend dashboard]
- Default clustering images link dead, replaced with a new one [Marker clustering plugin]
- Removed img tag from submenu tags in joommap.xml [Backend]
- Missed plugins and modules language files [Build]
v1.2.1 (08/09/2018)
- some plugin language files missed
- module not installed
v1.2.0 (07/15/2018)
New Features
- Search Plugin
- Improved location view layout
- Display Location Type as badge in location items list
- Ability to show or hide the sidebar filter
- PHP notices in count method
v1.1.0 (01/31/2018)
New Features
- Google Fitbounds integration
- Fullscreen functionality to the map view using the HTML5 Fullscreen API
- Snazzy Maps API integration
- Google's MarkerClusterer library
- Find My Location button added (Using geolocation information provided by the users device)
- Module allows you to display a map of any defined JoomMap location with a clickable marker and infobox
- PHP Warnings in full location view
v1.0 (10/24/2017)
- Initial Version