v5.0.17 (2024-10-04)
- UI/UX of manage/add media modal [Playlist view]
- manage media modals UI/UX improved [Playlist Item] [Backend]
- Yes/No Switcher with use global should use list instead [All menu views XML]
- manage/add media modal was not working [Playlist View]
v5.0.12 (30/08/2024)
- display error message if player not enabled [AudioPlaylist]
- radio btn group now use Joomla switcher layout [XML Forms]
- wrong playlists count [Playlists]
- Media items add and manage modals was not working [Playlist edit form] [Backend]
- JACTIONS language constant was added to language file, because was removed on Joomla 4
- Wrong category depth field layout [All modules]
- TOS form was not working [Upload Form]
- some php warnings on router
- audio playlist was not working correctly due to caching issues [AudioPlaylist]
- edit media from frontend was not working
- some php warnings on edit media item [Frontend]
- ordering media was not working [Media list] [Backend]
v5.0.5 (10/08/2024)
- channels replaced with my channel in main menu layout
- some UI/UX improvements [Account View]
- my channel fatal error
- language undefined if user not allowed to change state [All new items]
- some php warnings when add a new items from frontend [All forms]
- always access not permitted when adding new items [Account]
- some php warnings [Backend Dashboard]
- always update Komento integration file on installation
- possible fatal error when loading jquery lib
- Kaltura integration fatal error on instance creation
v5.0 (11/11/2023)
- Joomla 5 support without need of compat plugin
- Some php warnings on PHP 8.2+
v4.7.3 (04/10/2023)
- Hide body if title and description disabled [Slick item layout]
- z-index issue in magnific popup
- Search tool UI/UX was broken
- Fatal error if plugins loaded without component
v4.7.0 (12/09/2023)
- media activity layout UI/UX improved
- Calendar field attributes updated [XML Forms]
- add stream was not working correctly [JomSocial Integration]
- language file not loaded [JomSocial Integration]
- adding tags not working [Frontend Upload]
- Fatal error - JFactory::getURI() replaced with Uri Class [Joomla 4 compatibility]
- update media item was not working properly
v4.6.2 (31/07/2023)
- youtube embed params updated [Youtube Plugin]
- make sure category is object before getting media numbers [Category View]
- wrong language files names [Kaltura plugin]
v4.6.0 (23/05/2023)
- global item params in list layout moved to global config [Config]
- media still in processing mode alert now floating inside player container
- columns and list limit params moved to Joomla global config [Config]
- delete files and keep original on process reset [Processing]
- kaltura plugin missed in xml entry point
- flow player and JW Player fatal errors fixed
- missed use Global option in columns and list limit params
- missed description jtext in some xml fields
- modals inside batch doesn't work [Media items] [Backend]
- view all sizes modal was not working
- media type icon and action dropdown css issue
- Some watermark issues in Windows and Linux
v4.5.0 (16/04/2023)
New Feature
- Kaltura platform integration with JoomMedia
- Auto run processes not working properly
- Update existing media file was not working
- JS Manual processing issues
- Fatal error when opening process details
v4.4.0 (27/03/2023)
- video metadata injector removed cuz no more used
- flv video processing removed cuz flv format was discontinued by Adobe long time ago
- Some UI/UX improvements in some views
- edit profile view was not working
- fatal error in report modals
- toolbar action was not working [Manage]
- metadata and downloads modal was not working
- audio/video metadata was not working
- manual processing was not working correctly [Process] [Backend]
- CLI testing was not working [Processing]
- fatal error when choosing country field
- fatal error when saving custom field
v4.3.0 (16/02/2023)
- detect menu item id automatically in main navigation [Routing]
- menu main now use Layout for better reuse
- foxnews remote plugin rebuilt to support last API
- video.foxnews.com does'nt exist anymore, website now use main domain to host videos
(Note: please make sure to remove videofoxnewscom plugin mannualy and keep foxnewscom) - load aspect assets using web asset manager
- dropdown now use Layout for better reuse
- make sure to load webasset on all modules
- media item navigation was not working properly
- php warning generated by add stylesheet method [Dashboard] [Backend]
- adding tags to remote media item type was not working correctly
- fatal error on add flickr photo
- Pageclass SFX default value missed
- some issues when posting multiple remote links [Twitter Event Plugin]
- some bootstrap dropdown issues
- deleted some non used files
- missed Errors Trait in some plugins
- removed some old code of loading bootstrap
- database issues [Joomla database checker]
- fatal error on content plugin
- utf8 characters issues
- error saving existing media with type embed_code [Media Edit]
- some UI/UX issues [Media Edit]
- fatal error onContentAfaterSave [Media Table]
- fatal error when activating comments integration [Comments]
v4.0 (16/11/2022)
New Features
- Joomla 4 support
- Joomla Download Key integration
- Bootstrap 5 support
- Removed old/non used assets
- Language tag prefix removed from language files
- Removed some old remote plugins
v1.3.8 (02/07/2022)
- multiple select saving was not working [Custom Fields]
- Don't display date if has invalid value [Custom field]
v1.3.7 (12/06/2022)
- Display warning message [Youtube remote plugin]
- Language file not loaded [Youtube remote plugin]
v1.3.6 (21/04/2022)
New Features
- Ability to change hits on bulkedit
v1.3.5 (14/03/2022)
New Features
- Odysee.com embed integration [Remote Plugin]
- Media items bulk edit [Backend]
- Allow edit of embed code [Edit media]
- Ability to show/hide navigation count [Media Item]
- ability to show/hide media desc/thumb/cf in playlist of audio files
- id attribute added to main container [Tags layout]
- Many config options moved to Joomla config options
- Categories layout options now use Joomla config
- Categories layouts renamed
- Categories layouts now use JLayout for better reuse
- embed code tab doesn't display [Edit media]
- missed JText constants [Search View]
- Some php warning prevent processing
- Download and id columns [Edit Files Layout]
- Some php warnings when edit media due [Media Edit]
- Wrong create by property name [EasySocial integration]
- some categories options was not working correctly
- display uploaded files with wrap [Dropzone upload] [CSS]
- Some issues fixed [EasySocial Integration]
- Users videos doesn't display [EasySocial Integration]
- Soundcloud was not working propelly due to last API Changes
v1.3.4 (26/08/2021)
New Features
- Full Easy Social Integration (Stream, Profile, Points)
- Ability to play audio files with player from playlist or album item
v1.3.2 (09/07/2021)
- My channel redirection user [User Channel]
v1.3.1 (25/06/2021)
- Fatal error when adding new tags [Batch Processing] [Media Items]
v1.3.0 (09/06/2021)
New Features
- Guest users can Like/Dislike items [All items types]
- Support of album media ordering [Album]
- Ordering options moved to the new config [Config]
- Global ordering options was not working [Config]
v1.2.10 (27/05/2021)
- Make sure card width always 100% [All layouts that use card class]
- PHP warning on channel author [Channels Details Layout]
- Media permissions (can report and can like.dislike) was not working [ACL]
v1.2.9 (22/02/2021)
- Channel Itemid now use intelligent method [Routing]
Note: will be applied to all other views in coming versions
- Filter by tags was not working [Media items view] [backend]
- Search filter was not working [Processes view] [Backend]
- Some old MooTools code was deleted that prevent tooltips from working correctly [JS]
v1.2.8 (08/02/2021)
- Some big margin removed from media manage toolbar [Account View] [Layout Media]
- Possible fatal error when caching enabled [Media Items Module]
- Grid layout was not displaying [Subcategories layout]
- media type menu drop down not opening [Account View] [Layout Media]
- undefined tooltip of media type menu drop down [Account View] [Layout Media]
- Missed JText (media type) [View Account] [Layout Media]
- Broken media type menu drop down [Account View] [Layout Media]
v1.2.7.3 (23/12/2020)
- Internal Navigation moved to options view [Config]
Note: we did start to move all parameters to Joomla config
v1.2.7.2 (10/12/2020)
- Permissions tab moved to options view [Config]
- New config option that let you choose allowed html tags when adding "embed code" media [Config] [Embed Imports method]
- Permissions tab was not working [Config]
v1.2.7 (10/11/2020)
- Quality dropdown UI/UX improved [Media Item view]
- Skins removed [MediaElementJS Player]
- Update to version 4.2.16 [MediaElementJS Player]
- Wrong layout type name should be "grid" not "card" [Config]
v1.2.6.2 (30/10/2020)
New Features
- Ability to change subcategories layout to list or grid
- New dashboard UI/UX [Dashboard view] [Backend]
- Dashboard use JLayout for better reuse [Dashboard view] [Backend]
v1.2.6 (04/10/2020)
New Features
- Ability to change items (media, albums ...) order by ordering ascending or descending [Config view] [Backend]
- New dashboard UI/UX [Dashboard view] [Backend]
- Dashboard use JLayout for better reuse [Dashboard view] [Backend]
v1.2.5.3 (14/09/2020)
- Auto image processing color space disabled [Images Library]
v1.2.5.1 (16/06/2020)
- JText COM_JOOMMEDIA_BUTTON_OR_SELECT_FILES_TO_UPLOAD was not working [Remote media form]
- Image doesn't open in lightbox mode [Media Slick Lightbox layout]
- Hide title div block if disabled [Media Slick Lightbox Layout]
v1.2.5 (10/06/2020)
- Auto redirect to edit form after success upload [Single Upload] [Backend]
- Upload file UI improved [Single Upload Layout] [Frontend]
- Open uploaded file in new window [Upload Media] [Dropzone]
- Prevent multiple upload was not working [Single Upload] [Backend]
- Single Upload Workflow was not working [Upload] [Frontend]
- Manage media modal button was not working [Albums view]
- Edit uploaded file link was not working [Upload Media] [Dropzone] [Frontend]
- Wrong text in single upload "File" not "Files" [Upload Media] [Dropzone]
- Uploaded item not centered [Dropzone Upload] [Media Item Upload]
- Upload type option removed because was deprecated [Config] [Tab Uploads]
- Some missed DIV tag close in many views
- Missed JText of some words [Channel view]
v1.2.4 (06/06/2020)
- Some missed DIV tag close in many views
- Missed JText of some words [Channel view]
v1.2.3 (14/05/2020)
- Description & tags accidentally deleted in previous version [Mediaitem view]
v1.2.2 (19/04/2020)
New Feature
- Parameter to set Youtube API Key [Config]
- Fatal error in compact vertical layouts [Videos module] [Images Module]
- DIV tag close was missed [Media item view]
v1.2.1.5 (25/03/2020)
- Display custom fields groups as cards [Custom fields]
- Custom fields display now use JLayout for better reuse [Custom fields]
- Module can't be saved [Single media item module]
- Hide custom fields group if empty [Custom fields]
v1.2.1.3 (21/02/2020)
- Hide custom field if it's value is empty [Custom fields]
v1.2.1.2 (20/01/2020)
- Word break for all titles heading
- Controls was disabled for android [MediaElementJS plugin]
- Some CSS issues with Bootstrap [MediaElementJS plugin]
v1.2.1.1 (02/01/2020)
- 404 not found spritemap of dropzone [Dropzone CSS]
v1.2.1 (12/12/2019)
- Modals system code improved to work for iframe and content type [Button modals]
- Namespaced fontawesome library
- Warning of moving komento integration file is Komento component not installed [Install script]
- Some visual bugs in classic skin [MediaElement JS]
- Hide info block if there is no data [Video Subscribe Layout]
- Heading tags not have the size of template [Bootstrap]
- Dropzone upload code loaded in all view [Assets]
- Wrong Dropzone tmpl name [Layout]
- Use default link color of template [Bootstrap]
- Wrong Dropzone spelling [Language constant]
- Removed non used font folder [Media]
- Gallery lightbox problem in gallery layout [Gallery layout]
v1.2.0 (04/12/2019)
New Features
- Namespaced Bootstrap 4, no more conflicts with old Bootstrap versions
- HTML5 uploading using Dropzone
- Like / Dislike system improved
v1.1.5 (30/04/2019)
- Empty folders not removed if media item is completely removed.
- Wrong media items order when navigating true modal gallery
v1.1.4 13/01/2019
- Some php notices when running CLI [Cron Job]
- Component params should not be merged with menu params in CLI mode [Cron Job]
- Youtube autoplay don't work [Youtube remote plugin]
- Close button in popup don't show [Lightbox mode]
- Next and prev button should be clicked 2 times problem [Lightbox mode]
v1.1.3 20/11/2018
- Merge global params with menu params automatically
- Display style option moved to top in albums and categories views
- Comments not displayed in komento module [Komento integration]
- Search page always return empty items [Search view]
- Wrong string names in content and search plugins [Language strings]
- Wrong search plugin class name [Search plugin]
- Wrong community plugin class name [Community plugin]
- Category display style don't work in menu item option
v1.1.2 20/09/2018
- Komento integration was not working
- Videos module can't be saved
v1.1.1 11/09/2018
- Modules and plugins not installed automatically
v1.1.0 11/08/2018
New Features
- Kaltura platform integration
- Vzaar platform integration
- Autopost to twitter
- ID columns width is too small [Backend]
- Prevent Youtube remote plugin from adding tags automatically
v1.0 01/05/2018
- Initial version