v5.4.11 (15/08/2024)
New Features
- support of custom fields in search module
- SEF Frontend Links on email notifications
- ability to disable jobs filter [Jobs View]
- TOS iframe width now 100% [Seeker registration form]
- Candidate profile visibility issue
- make sure to delete some old folders on update
- display only current advertiser contacts in contacts dropdown [Job Form]
- edit form of experience, educations .. was not working properly [Edit Seeker Profile]
- ajax request should not be sent on edit form of experience, educations ... [Edit Seeker Profile]
- some php warnings [Companies module]
- web asset now use relative path instead of absolute [Web assets]
- fix multi language problem
- issue with id when saving candidate info
- no need to route TOS in Company registration form
- some issues detected by Joomla DB Checker
v5.2.3 (28/02/2024)
- Message confirmation when sending email notification now use JText
- no need to route TOS in Company registration form
- some issues detected by Joomla DB Checker
- robot options list language constant removed [Edit Job] [Backend]
v5.2.0 (19/02/2024)
- version helper class not needed anymore.
- candidate profile UI/UX improved
- some issues in contacts management [Advertiser profile edit]
- no need to route TOS URL link
- issue with CHOSEN js select width in some templates
v5.1.8 (05/02/2024)
- UI/UX of salary field in responsive mode [Job form]
- default selected currency was not working [Job form]
- missed language constant translation [Currencies]
v5.1.7 (29/01/2024)
New Features
- ability to hide register/login button on job item
- add new job always restricted [Job Form] [Frontend]
- issue when publishing job [Jobs Manager list] [Backend]
- possible fatal error on guest apply
- reply fields doesn't display for some cases [XML Reply Form]
v5.1.3 (06/12/2023)
- guest reply form doesn't display in some special cases
- fatal error [Advertisers module]
- some php warnings
- issue with captcha all loaded, should only one be loaded
v5.1.0 (10/11/2023)
New Features
- Support Joomla 5 withount need of backward compatibility plugin
- php warnings on calendar field [XML Forms]
v5.0 (18/10/2023)
New Features
- Support Joomla 4.4.0+ and Joomla 5 with B/C plugin enabled
v4.9.0 (17/08/2023)
New Features
- specific custom fields by job [Reply]
- fields layouts updated with last Joomla version
- incorrect seeker register route [Routing]
- custom fields fails in edit seeker
- issue adding new job from frontend
- custom field description doesn't show
- group description doesn't show
- wrong tipo in some language constants
v4.7.0 (26/06/2023)
New Features
- Company dashboard menu
- UserState support in forms (experience, files, lang..) [Seeker Edit]
- UI/UX of buttons in login module
- filters UI/UX improved
- advertiser dashboard and seekers views now use RouteHelper for better Itemid extraction
- automatically hide registration forms if user registration disabled in joomla users component
- check user if can edit by it's role rather than Joomla edit action
- company description tags stripped [Company view]
- chosen select container has wrong width [Filters]
v4.6.2 (05/06/2023)
- job infotext removed because is very confusing [Job edit]
- big margin end of icon in some tabs [Backend]
- possible error when saving reply due to created value [Job reply active record]
- make sure html tags striped from description field [SEO OpenGraph + Twitter Cards]
v4.6.0 (08/05/2023)
New Features
- save&close and cancel buttons added to job form [Frontend]
- Job form now use Joomla MVC and Form API
- Job form ui/ux improved
- Username label instead of Email [Login form]
- some show/hide dashboard widgets params was not working [Backend]
- Some php warnings
v4.5.0 (19/04/2023)
New Features
- display custom fields in jobs list
- supprot of Show heading param [All views]
v4.4.0 (28/03/2023)
- Possible SQL injections fixed
v4.3.5 (22/03/2023)
- required attr removed from tos field [Config]
- form-row replaced to row [BS]
v4.3.4 (19/02/2023)
- don't route modal links
- show profile button modal was not working
- display only published advertisers on select field
- some php warnings
v4.3.1 (14/02/2023)
- No need to call getItems many times on jobs filter [Seeker Dashboard]
- publish down issue on jobs [Seeker Dashboard]
- some php warnings
v4.3.0 (12/02/2023)
- Add/edit Contact modal UI/UX improved [Advertiser Edit]
- delete contact was not working [Advertiser Edit]
- mass jobs publish/unpublish was not working correctly [Backend]
- mass publish/unpublish currencies was not working [Backend]
- issue in send jobs mail redirection modal
- toggle favorite was not working [Jobs List]
- delete contact was not working [Advertiser Edit]
v4.2.7 (11/01/2023)
- ability to select TOS article from Joomla articles
- Show conditions button UI/UX improved
- TOS Article modal was not working
v4.2.6 (29/12/2022)
New Features
- new design for candidate CV
- edit contact modal now use button instead of link tag to avoid template conflict issues
- support of last AcyMailing version
- php warnings [PHP 8.1+ compatibility]
- companies list view [Frontend]
- now we use dompdf to generate cv instead of tcpdf
- now we use Layout for cv generation
- missed language constant [Edit reply] [Backend]
- php warnings and depreciations [Backend]
- sometimes saving job fails due to contact value [Backend]
- logout button was not working [Login Module]
- issues in modals of edit profile
- tcpdf lib removed
- Fatal error on job delete [Jobs] [Backend]
- database error on advertiser profile save [Frontend]
- some database issues happen in mysql 5.7+ [Database]
- filter by custom field sometimes fails for select
v4.2.0 (22/11/2022)
- Don't send job activation notification to admin who already did activation action
- Now language files use the new naming on Joomla 4
- Skip addReplyTo if user not logged [Job Email]
- Wrong job activation notification content for admins
- Missed company email in new job notification
- Some missed language constants missed [Config]
- Wrong itemid of view Role chooser
- some issues in custom fields filter
- show companies distance shouldn't ignore radius query [All list models]
- some php/db errors
- make sure to replace : with - in on build [Routing]
- some database issues on Joomla DB check
v4.0 (13/09/2022)
New Features:
- Joomla 4 native compatibility
- Bootstrap 5
- Support of Joomla Download Key integration
- Full address support
- Filter companies, candidates by location radius
- Filter jobs, companies, candidates by custom fields (list field)
- Download ID widget removed
- All non used and old assets removed
- added missed links (forgot your password, remind...) [Login Form]
- don't display jobs count on location filter if view is advertisers and candidates
- display message "no matching results" if no jobs yet published [Jobs View]
- page header added [Companies View]
- accordion helper class removed cuz no more used [Helpers]
- display message "No records to show" if no advertisers to show [Advertisers module]
- UI/UX improved on search jobs bar [Search Jobs Module]
- partners was not able to see candidates list
- Make sure to display only active jobs [Advertisers]
- default values of registration groups [Registration]
v1.3.8 (28/07/2022)
- make sure JoomSMS is enabled before sending SMS notification
- guest reply modal was not opening
- modal doesn't open in backend [Edit candidate]
v1.3.7 (13/04/2022)
- prevent double click on add button of modals [Edit candidate profile]
- education modal sometimes fails to open
- close modal button was not working in candidate edit profile
v1.3.6 (18/02/2022)
- not all items displayed [Advertisers] [Model]
- redirect url var missed if guest reply not enabled [Job]
- prevent quotes from breaking js code of actions bar [Advertiser dashboard]
v1.3.5.2 (07/02/2022)
- Fatal error when adding a new job [CareerJet] [Import]
- Job renewing/Activating was not working correctly
v1.3.5 (01/02/2022)
New Features
- Advertiser can renew the Job from dashboard
- Ability to send admin notification for document proofread request [Candidate Profile]
- Return to original page on register/login
- Ability to search on select items [Jobs Filter]
- Admin can edit candidate profile information like education, experience ... from backend [Candidate Profile]
- hide lat/long fields if map feature disabled [Location form]
- PHP 8+ support
- don't allow guest user to apply to job more than one time
- preview guest reply [Job Item]
- preview guest reply [Replies list] [Backend]
- add "sent via" extra info to company contact email
- return if job is not defined [Reply Form]
- guest user doesn't receive email confirmation when replied to job
- trash replies was not working due to PHP8 Compatibility
- search by title , description was not working correctly [Companies List]
v1.3.4 (03/11/2021)
New Features
- Ability to show / hide empty companies [Companies List view]
- Profile view of candidate now use layout instead of iframe solution [Job replies view] [Backend]
- Profile view now use JLayout for better reuse [Candidate view]
- Wrong sender email [Company contact]
- php warning when getting type of field [Helper]
- Some php warnings [HTML Helper]
v1.3.3 (03/10/2021)
- Emails/SMS notification now use Helper for better reuse
- Jobs list UI/UX improved [Advertiser dashboard]
- Some missed system language constants
- Wrong jobs count [Companies View]
- New job reply notification was not working [Notifications]
- Job actions not hidden when current user job owner [Job View]
v1.3.0 (07/09/2021)
New Features
- Contract relation was added to candidate preference
- New hidden maintenance tool that let us execute a specific sql update file
- Certifications edit list now use JLayout for better reuse [Seeker Edit]
- Education edit list now use JLayout for better reuse [Seeker Edit]
- Experience edit list now use JLayout for better reuse [Seeker Edit]
- Files edit list now use JLayout for better reuse [Seeker Edit]
- Languages edit list now use JLayout for better reuse [Seeker Edit]
- Edit profile UI/UX improved and looks more professional
- Some old code compatibility removed [Controller Misc]
- update job lat/long from address only if address changed [Job Edit]
- time type and contract relation no more required in preference [Seeker Edit]
- Ability to change lat/long using geocoder tool [Location Form] [Backend]
- SMS notifications helper code duplication
- only admin can execute the tool "specific sql update file executer"
- Incorrect publish down where clause [Jobs Alert]
- Some incorrect options values [Edit Job] [Backend]
- Incorrect JText of contract type in email alert [Jobs Alert]
- Display "Not set" if publish down is empty [Jobs Alert]
- Don't filter by location if search by radius is enabled [Jobs Filter]
- display only public seekers if profile visibility enabled and selected tab is "all" [Candidate List] [Company Dashboard]
- some duplicate language constants removed [Backend Language]
- Wrong preferred time type in candidate edit [Backend]
v1.2.9 (23/08/2021)
New Features
- Now guest users can reply to job without login
- Ability to enable / disable custom fields for guest users [Guest Reply]
- Partners management with allowed locations
- Time types management with multilanguage support
- Contract types management with multilanguage support
- Length employments management with multilanguage support
- Currencies management
- Display job location with google map [Job view]
- Display distance on every job when search radius enabled [Jobs view]
- Ability to set location latitude/longitude [Location Item]
- Geolocation support with search radius [Filter] [Search module]
- Ability to enter full address or lat/lang of job [Edit Job]
- Address autocomplete using Google API Places [Job Edit]
- Companies list module
- Param to make keyword field required [Search module]
- Job Alerts based on Joomla custom fields (support: radiobox, select, checkbox)
- Integration with JoomSMS to send SMS notification
- Users now can contact company profile
- Control who can contact company profile (everyone or only logged users)
- Ability to show/hide Job contact details
- Ability to filter by job location or user position [Search Radius]
- Ability to enable/disable advertiser check if has at least one job to be priviliged to see candidates list
- Allow candidate to change his profile visibility
- New permission that let you allow public candidate profile view
- Ability to set default currency in currencies manager
- No need to js code on submit button [Search Module]
- Default value of custom fields now always Joomla! custom fields by default
- New "setup" menu added to sidebar groups all views related to settings [Backend]
- Time type hint removed no more useful [Search module]
- Company and candidate register accordion now use Bootstrap 4
- Recent Activities widget now use ChartJS instead of Google chart [Dashboard]
- Display newsletter field only if acymailing integration is enabled [Seeker Profile Edit]
- Sync phone number of ejm user with profile plugin
- phone field synchronization with user profile for contacts
- header code now inside form tag to avoid js issues [Edit advertiser/seeker]
- Check curl if enabled in system information widget
- Format friend message correctly [SendMail friend]
- Logged user not able to check jobs
- Fatal error when json-ld schema enabled
- search icon was not displaying [Search module]
v1.2.7.5 (24/03/2020)
- Jobs filter JS moved to media [Jobs Filter form]
- Filter was not working properly [Candidates database]
- Tab type not saved in state [Candidates database]
- Some duplicate language constants was removed [Language Files]
- Wrong word of first tab, should be "Applicants" [Candidates Database]
- Candidate/Company creation sometimes fails if user activation mode not set to none [Registration Models]
- Some PHP warnings if user fields and locations not yet selected [Candidate Edit]
- Search plugin sometimes doesn't work [JS] [Search Module]
- Placeholder issue when filtering [Jobs Filter form]
- Clone field JS now use vanilla to avoid any JS conflicts [Seeker Edit]
- undefined jQuery when clone field function triggered [Edit Seeker] [JS]
- Salary field should not be inside another field [Job form]
v1.2.7.4 (30/12/2020)
- Seeker educations, files .... validation should not be triggered if user didn't choose role yet. [Seeker edit model]
- Redirect warning messages should be used in enqueueMessage method [Seeker and advertiser views]
v1.2.7.2 (27/09/2020)
- Hide email + password fields when editing company profile
- Display associated Joomla User field when editing company profile
- Favorite toggler now use Jlayout for better reuse
- Favorite toggler support job and seeker types
- Jobs table list with filter now use Jlayout for better reuse [Seeker dashboard view]
- Seekers table list with filter now use Jlayout for better reuse [Seekers view]
- Use Joomla email registration instead of custom email registration [Contact Form]
- Send friend email was not working [Share job layout]
- send friend email button doesn't display in modal header [Share job layout]
- Double class attribute in span tag [Favorite toggler layout]
- jQuery conflict when clicking on favorite toggle [JS] [Favorite toggle Layout]
- Favorite button was not working on seekers list
- Favorite button was not working on replies list [Job view]
- Non SEF link of shared job [Share job modal]
- Some space in shared message [Share job modal]
- Display 0 in contact id input if new [Contact Form]
- Wrong phone validation condition [Contact Form]
- Advertiser ID not recognized after wrong form validation
- Seeker user creation sometimes fail [Backend] [Seeker Form]
v1.2.7 (27/07/2020)
- Hide reply warning message if job author logged
- Incorrect Calendar field size inside modals
- Reply and send modal conflicts problem
- Modal doesn't open if module displayed
v1.2.6.16 (20/07/2020)
- Zindex set to 99999 of iziModal
- Fatal error in jobs list when user logger as super admin
v1.2.6.14 (17/07/2020)
- Loading Assets from helper
- Namespaced fontawesome library to avoid any conflicts
- get login view Itemid automatically
- Force current tab selected code removed not needed anymore [Plugin System]
- Clear filter button was not working [Jobs List filter]
- wrong location jobs count in filter [Jobs List Filter]
- 0 value display in email to fiend textarea if user not logged [Email to a friend]
- The end of form hidden by submit button bar [Email to a friend]
- PHP Warning in time value [Job view] [Contracttypelist Field]
- Fatal error in views that use this field [Contracttypelist Field]
- Some issues displaying contract type list in select [Contracttypelist Field]
- Use of jQuery var instead of $ to avoid any conflicts on on click attributes
- PHP Warning [Favorite toggler layout]
v1.2.6.6 (08/06/2020)
New Features
- Ability to hide job reply warning [Config] [Job View]
- User registration now use Joomla user model [User Helper]
- Wrong advertiser privileged check [User Helper]
- Field / place value doesn't display [User Helper]
- Time options doesn't change in some views
- Auto login user after registration sometimes fail [Company/Candidate registration models]
v1.2.6.4 (20/05/2020)
- Now we use pagination layout for better reuse [Candidates database view]
- Email validation now support long domain name extension [Form validation]
- Total jobs count now display only active jobs [Advertiser view]
- Some issues when adding contacts [Advertiser edit]
- Contact privilege was not working [User helper]
- Removed some old left debug code
- Don't display image row if user has not picture [Candidate view]
- Add candidate to favorite was not working [Candidates database view]
- Replied to my jobs tab always empty [Candidates database view]
- Total jobs count now display only active jobs [Advertiser view]
v1.2.6.2 (14/05/2020)
- Download PDF button doesn't display [Seeker View]
- Creating a new company for an existing user doesn't work [Company Edit Model]
v1.2.6 (05/05/2020)
- 5 last jobs not all displayed [Company view]
- Wrong total jobs count [Company View]
v1.2.5 (29/04/2020)
New Features
- Ability to enable / disable custom fields [Registration form]
- Some missed language constants [Jobs Module]
- Yes/No button style missed in all modules [All Modules] [Backend]
- Recaptcha issue with global params [Captcha Integration]
- PHP warning in salary field value [Job edit form]
v1.2.4 (26/03/2020)
New Features
- Company contacts management [Company Edit] [Backend]
- Ability to show / hide jobs filter options (Time, Field ...) [Jobs List] [Config]
- Ability to filter jobs by company [Jobs List]
- Ability to customize cron task key value [Cron] [Config]
- New view to display single company page
- UI improved [CareerJet Import]
- Refresh table when fetching jobs [CareerJet Import]
- Modals now auto-close when successfully saved
- Menu item type of single job / company / candidate now use modal for selecting the item [Backend]
- Intelligent way to find menu item id [Route Helper]
- Visit page company button added in company info tab [Job view]
- Show all company jobs button added [Company view]
- Some UI/UX improvements [Company view]
- Problem when importing jobs [CareerJet Import]
- Problem when clicking on checkbox [CareerJet Import]
- Ignore keyword removed [SQL Update files]
- PHP warning in salary field value
- Sometimes company informations doesn't display [Job View] [Company View]
v1.2.3.2 (15/02/2020)
- Strip tags of description [Job Schema]
- Message warning was added if admin still use old custom fields system [Custom fields]
- Redirect to joomla custom fields view if admin open built-in custom fields view [Custom fields]
- Job Schema mapping was not working for custom fields [Config]
v1.2.3.1 (05/02/2020)
- Custom fields list doesn't display in mapping field [Config]
- Metadata of menu item doesn't display [Jobs list view]
v1.2.3 (31/01/2020)
New Features
- Ability to hide right side widgets from config [Dashboard]
- Old G2 integration was not removed from sampledata [SQL]
- Some tables was not updated in sampledata [SQL]
- Some issues when installing sampledata [Dashboard]
v1.2.2.7 (15/01/2020)
- Contacts table now use JLayout for better reuse [Advertiser edit]
- Show message and profile modals was not working [Job View]
- Small error in SQL code [Install SQL]
- Edit & delete buttons of contacts was not working [Advertiser edit form]
v1.2.2.5 (10/01/2020)
- Tables will not be removed if component uninstalled
- No more code duplication when handling custom fields [Joomla Custom Fields]
- UI design improved [Seeker view]
- Company no more coupled with Joomla user id
- Fatal error when saving job if salary field enabled [Job Model]
- Some problems occurs when saving custom fields in job reply [Joomla Custom Fields]
- Disable company registration option was not working well [Company registration]
- Modals problem [seeker edit view]
v1.2.2.2 (31/12/2019)
New Features
- Ability to disable salary field
- Some problems when saving seeker / advertiser and job item [All models]
- Removed debug code in candidate page
- Wrong table name in sql update file of v1.2.2
v1.2.2 (26/12/2019)
- Display and validation of custom fields when multilanguage is enabled [Joomla custom fields integration]
- Fixing role problem in backend [Seeker Model]
- PHP Warning when setting author metatag [Job View] [Company View]
- Custom fields missed [Show CV View]
- Some old code of G2 plugin removed
- Reply button was floating in bottom [Reply Job View]
v1.2.1 (10/12/2019)
New Features
- Twitter Card tags in job and company view
- Open Graph tags in job and company view
- JSON-LD Schema Job with custom fields mapping capability for job view
- JSON-LD Schema Organization with custom fields mapping capability for company view
- Metadata (description, keywords, Robot ....) support in job and company view
- Auto description meta generated from job / company description
- Ability to hide login form in candidate / company register view
- Force no margin in form group class inside cards [UI] [All Forms]
- G2 integration removed because no more working
- Registration and login form now use JLayout for better reuse [Company / Candidate register view]
- Auto hide fields if CiviCRM integration disabled [Config XML]
- Auto hide fields if AcyMailing integration disabled [Config XML]
- Component description not displayed after installation [Install script]
- Some PHP notices if menu item doesn't have option query [Route helper]
v1.2.0.15 (24/10/2019)
- PHP Notice if menus array is empty [Route Helper]
- Download id property missed [Dashboard view]
v1.2.0.14 (02/10/2019)
- User is auto added as seeker if didn't save company form when choosing Seeker role [Seeker Edit view]
- Choose seeker title not centered [Choose Role view]
v1.2.0.13 (11/09/2019)
- Description field now use Joomla editor as in backend [Seeker form] [Job form]
- Default attribute missed of jobs list param [Jobs view]
- Wrong default value of time predefined field [Config xml]
- Fatal error if predefined field times is empty [Jobs view]
v1.2.0.12 (02/09/2019)
- Submenu of sidebar display multipe active menu items [Sidebar menu] [Backend]
- Wrong completed profile precent when disabling title after/before fields [Candidate Profile]
v1.2.0.11 (29/08/2019)
New Features
- Enable or disable title before/after you name field
- Ability to change jobs list per page in menu item settings [Job view]
- Show or hide hide locations without any jobs [Filter]
- Show or hide jobs count next to each location item [Filter]
- Ability to allow everyone or only registered users to send job mail to a friend [Job view]
- Ability to manage predefined field time options [Time Field]
- Pagination now use JLayout for better reuse, also UI improved [Pagination Layout]
- Now custom fields of company use custom fields layout [Company view]
- Custom fields or custom fields groups are always displayed even if values are empty [Joomla custom fields layout]
- Missed title constant language [Job view]
- Missed icon in send job mail to a friend button [Actions bar layout]
- About company tab doesn't hide if there is no custom fields value [Company view]
- Job salary values are not saved after editing an existing job [Job Edit model] [Frontend]
- Field select should display only published field [Field Select]
v1.2.0.9 (23/08/2019)
New Features
- Ability to change actions bar and reply warning message position [Job view]
- Ability to make predefined fields education, experience, certificates... required [Candidate registration form]
- Now we use iziModal to avoid modals concflicts [Job view]
- Candidate dashboard UI improved
- Sidebar dropdown menu code improved [Backend dashboard]
- Company jobs list now use getItems of Jobs model instead of custom query [Company view]
- Company informations in tabs instead of plain view [Company view]
- Currencies & salaries tables not deleted after uninstall [SQL]
- Missed title constant language [Job view]
- Tabs was not using JHTML Tabs [Seeker dashboard view]
v1.2.0.5 (30/07/2019)
New Features
- Captcha support on company and candidate registration form
- UI improved in company / candidate registration form
v1.2.0.4 (29/07/2019)
New Features
- Ability to change generated logo quality
- Sidebar now use accordion submenu (you should clear browser caching to see new changes)
- Not able to change or delete company logo
- Duplicate company problem when creating a new company
- Chrome browser always fill password input of company
- JImage class not detected in linux environment
- Imagik check removed
v1.2.0 (20/07/2019)
New Features
- Joomla custom fields integration
- Ability to import jobs quickly with CarrerJet API
- Salary Field
- Bootstrap 4 support
- Ability to display jobs in horizontal list or table view
- Ability to change logo size of company in jobs list view
- UX/UI design improved in all views
- TCPDF libarary updated to last version
- Filter form now use JLayout for better reuse
- Display informations inside job view as tabs
- XML error when downloading PDF file of user CV
- Show candidate profile button broken [backend] [replies view]
- Notice message system replaced with warning
v1.1.2 (02/02/2019)
- Config menu added in sidebar [backend] [dashboard]
- Using tabs for fields on editing job, seeker or company item [backend]
- Default ordering of custom fields by ID instead of title [backend] [custom fields view]
- Separator highlighted in custom fields manager [backend] [custom fields view]
- Display message to choose target of custom fields [backend] [custom fields view]
- Missed router class in jobs and search modules
- Show candidate profile button broken [backend] [replies view]
v1.1.1 (22/10/2018)
- HTML code stripped from description in job edit view [Backend]
- Fatal error route class nout found [login module]
v1.1 (26/09/2018)
- Create date empty when new company added or edited
- Can't access to job details view if publish down date is not set
- Jobs module don't show jobs if publish down date is not set
- Alias missed in job url of module
- Broken HTML in Seeker Edit form
- Wrong class name in install file
- Images size of sample data reduced
- Wrong module folder names in Phing Build file
- Wrong languages files path of modules in Phing Build file
v1.0 (11/07/2018)
- Initial Version