v5.3.7 (2024-10-05)
- hide cancel button if not using modal [submission form]
- issue on finding right menu item id of form view when multilanguage enabled
v5.3.4 (05/07/2024)
- support BS modal as fallback for J4 [Submit form modal]
- some issues on new submit modal
- change custom fields order was not working correctly [Submit form]
v5.3.0 (26/02/2024)
New Features
- display category inside item [Testimonial item]
- now form modal use Joomla Dialog script instead of iziModal
- issue with pretext on save in menu item
v5.2.0 (29/11/2023)
New Features
- Joomla 5 support without need of BC plugin
- ability to change submit button classes
- force user to enter numbers in avatar size
- float/top left avatar was not displaying correctly [Default layout]
- show/hide submit button was not working properly
- nav buttons color was not working correctly
v5.0 (08/10/2023)
New Features
- Joomla 5 support
- textLimiter was not working properly on click
v4.6.2 (04/07/2023)
New Features
- Pre-text and Post-text on list view
- timeline code duplication removed
- Many duplicated code removed for better reuse
- Now we use our own Layout render function for better reuse
- testimonials container was before tagid
- carousel in menu item was not working
- video field params was not working
- show submit button was not displaying
- submit button was not floating to right
- wrong TagId value in testmonials container
- page numbering was incorrect [List]
v4.5.4 (29/05/2023)
- Some php warnings due param pageclass_sfx
v4.5.2 (19/04/2023)
- Fatal error when display submit form module in list view [Form view]
- Video type field issue [SQL]
- issue with jQuery [Layout modal]
v4.4.8 (20/03/2023)
New Features
- open form in same window [Submit Module]
- make sure to cast video column [Table Store]
- Improved - find the right form Itemid using new method [Routing]
- some non usefull code removed [SQL]
- display also testimonials of child categories [Testimonials View]
- some php warnings [php 8.1+]
- issue in zip sometimes is broken [Build]
- fatal error if no category selected [Testimonials Menu item]
v4.4.0 (31/08/2022)
New Features
- Ability to redirect guest user to login page if not allowed to submit testimonial
- catids variables removed from list url
- save testimonial image before sending email [Form Submission]
- don't send email if details are not set [Form Submission]
- display warning message if image picker folder doesn't exist [Submission form]
- created date now use JHTML Date
- use Joomla string truncate helper
- displaying custom html code before submission form now use language constant to support multilanguage
- Incorrect images height in image picker field [Form Submission]
- possible fatal error when using custom css code params
v4.3.0 (24/06/2022)
New Features
- Integration with Falang multilanuage component
- Support of editor field [Submission form]
- Open submission form in new page or modal [Testimonials list]
- Ability to change text alignment [Default layout]
- Ability to add custom css class [Default layout]
- missed class in submission layout field [Config]
v4.2.0 (08/06/2022)
New Features
- Display pretext [Submission Form View]
- make sure testimonials container always 100% in width
- JError replaced with GenericDataException
- Javascript code now use Joomla assets manager feature [Submission Form View]
- make sure to remove old structure if version is old.
- custom css was not working in all layouts
- not found js file was loaded
- should select only one category [Submission Form View]
- php warning in dashboard [Backend]
- some possible installation issues
v4.1.5 (23/05/2022)
- Class FieldsHelper namespace was missed
- some php warnings in module
- make sure DS constant is not defined [Frontend entrypoint]
- Some issues on installation
v4.1.4 (19/05/2022)
New Features
- support for Joomla Download ID integration
- removed Download ID widget from dashboard cuz we support now Joomla Download Key Integration
- some duplicate language constants was removed
- removed non used language constants
- Wron Update server link
Required Actions:
- Don't forget to rebuild update sites once this version installed. (go to backend -> system -> update -> updates sites -> then click on rebuild button)
v4.1.1 (02/03/2022)
- can't save testimonial when changing category [Edit form]
v4.1.0 (19/02/2022)
- don't allow downgrade [Installation]
- refresh folder structure if version lower than 4.0 [Installation]
- fatal error if module displayed with selected category [Module]
- layout fields doesn't display [Backend] for linux servers
- Some php warnings [Backend]
- don't enable plugins on uninstall process [Installation]
v4.0 (17/02/2022)
New Features
- New extendable layouting system for testimonials
- Easy customization of testimonials layout true modal
- Layouting reuse for module and menu items
- Joomla 4 full support
- Bootstrap 5 update
- remove of all old assets (BS4, fontawesome ...)
- Lighter package then previous version
- Using webassets for better assets management
v1.5.7 (01/12/2021)
- Some possible blocking issues when updating to Joomla 4 in plugins
- added update server tags in all plugins and modules
- Small issue in plugin system
v1.5.6.3 (04/10/2021)
- Add page number in meta title [Testimonials list]
- Don't display readmore/showless buttons truncated testimonial text is same as full testimonial text [Testimonial]
- Date format not changing in quote and timeline layouts
- PHP notice [Default Layout]
- User was not able to edit own testimonials if authorized
v1.5.6 (22/06/2021)
- Authorisation checking now use Helper [ACL]
- Some times duplicate add button displayed [Page Header Layout]
- User was not able to edit own testimonials if authorised [ACL]
v1.5.5 (02/06/2021)
- Submit button not displayed if show page header disabled [Header Layout]
- Compatibility with php 7.4+
v1.5.4.1 (05/05/2021)
- Download ID not saved correctly [Dashboard]
- Hidden captcha badge should not float [CSS]
v1.5.4 (19/01/2021)
New Features
- New modern dashboard on backend
- Blank loop in carousel disabled by default [Testimonials Module]
- Use local fonteawesome instead of remote link
- Bootstrap 4 updated to last version
- Better solution to display full testimonial on hover in cards
- Auto height when hover on testimonial text when text limiter activated and mode carousel
- Force jQuery load first [Submit button module]
- iziModal loaded before jQuery [Submit button module]
- Fatal error when type is button modal
v1.5.2 (09/02/2020)
New Feature
- Show / hide submit button in testimonials list
v1.5.1.15 (16/10/2019)
- Double error message if captcha not validated removed from module form as well.
v1.5.1.14 (11/10/2019)
- Double error message if captcha not validated
v1.5.1.13 (23/08/2019)
- Custom field value not saved from frontend [Custom fields]
- Label hide if has tooltip in some template frameworks like helix [Testimonial Form]
v1.5.1.12 (18/08/2019)
New Features
- Ability to show or hide form input placeholders
- Ability to move custom fields position using field label class name like "jt_after_name"
- Ability to change date format
- iziModal instead of squeezebox modal to avoid conflicts
- Now we use font-awseome icons instead of old icomoon icons
- Show more text on hover don't work [Quotes Layout] [Testimonials view]
- Joomla reload page when the category field has changed [Form]
- Invalid input css code missed [Form]
- Avatar upload field missed some BS classes [Form]
- If form validation is wrong and submitted through modal error validation display also in testi list
- Wrong submit button base path layout [submit module]
- Submit button custom classes was not working [submit module]
- Old code of tab state removed no more needed because joomla fixed this issue long time ago
- Custom field input always disabled [Edit form] [Custom fields]
- Fatal error when displaying form module outside component [Form module]
- Menu item header shown in module [Submit form module]
- Fields values in one line [fields layout]
- Category select display all categories also the unpublished [Form]
v1.5.1.8 (29/04/2019)
New Features
- Ability to enable or disable slides shadow for coverflow effect in slider [Testimonials module]
- Wrong pagination spacing and alignement [Pagination layout]
v1.5.1.7 (25/03/2019)
New Features
- Ability to enable or disable autoplay for carousel and also change delay between transitions [Testimonials module] [Mode carousel]
- Ability to show navigation buttons on hover in carousel mode [Testimonials module]
- Submit button always floating to the right [Form module] [modal layout]
- Submit button text missed [Form module] [modal layout]
- Wrong redirection after form submission [Form module]
- Bootstrap 4 not loaded from module [Form module]
- Modal form submission problem when multilanguage and SEF enabled [Edit form]
v1.5.1.6 (02/03/2019)
New Features
- Change navigation buttons color in carousel mode [Testimonials module]
- Ability to show navigation buttons on hover in carousel mode [Testimonials module]
- Fatal error if timeline layout chosen [Testimonials module]
- Compatibility with old version 1.4 if box layout chosen [Testimonials module]
v1.5.1.4 (12/02/2019)
New Features
- New option to change name text color [Timeline Layout]
- Text limiter button disappear if module displayed in menu item that use Joomtestimonials view [Module testimonials]
- Bootstrap not loaded [Timeline layout]
- Custom fields don't display [All layouts]
- Spacer added between each fields group [Testimonial layouts xml]
- Customfields code now use JLayout for better reuse
v1.5.1.2 (01/02/2019)
- Vote position don't change [Default layout]
- Missed edit button [Quote layout]
- Changing vote stars color from menu item [All layouts]
- Sometimes avatar image don't display
- Testimonial text block now use JLayout for better reuse and less code duplication
- Avatar block now use JLayout for better reuse and less code duplication
- Edit button block now use JLayout for better reuse and less code duplication
- Vote block now use JLayout and removed from helper for better reuse
- Text limiter button classes improved
- Edit button position and design
v1.5.1.1 (15/01/2019)
- Auto hide video height and width params if "show video" set to hide [All layouts]
- Quote background color don't change [Quote layout]
- Vertical align params removed from quote layout cuz was for default layout [Quote layout]
- Form-control class removed from anti-spam field [submit form]
- Box layout will be switched to quote layout if used cuz was renamed to quote and breaks module [Testimonials module]
v1.5.1 (13/01/2019)
New Features
- Dynamic CSS in testimonials module
- Auto height and custom slide item height params in carousel mode of testimonials module
- Text limiter was not working in testimonials module
- Columns grid not working in testimonials module
- Wrong default values for some carousel params in testimonials module
- Params merging problem in testimonials module
- "1" number shows in settings in testimonials module
- Missed class form-control in form view [frontend]
- Wrong medium column name param in testimonials module
- Fields folder not included in xml folder of testimonials module
- Some code not needed was deleted after using Layouts
v1.5.0 (12/01/2019)
New Features:
- Namespaced Boostrap 4 support
- Layouts support in views and module for better reuse
- PHP 7.3 support
- Ability to strip tags of testimonial text
- Old carousel replaced with Swiper in testimonials module
- Grid mode support in testimonials module
- Change Border radius in default layout
- Change Border type in default layout
- Change Link color in default layout
- Change Permalink button class in default layout
- Change card background in quote layout
- Change card border in quote layout
- Showon attribute added to many fields for better UX
- Old bootstrap frameworks removed
- Duplicated code reduced by 90% after using JLayout feature
- Can't change state of testimonials in backend
- Vote always shown if position selected after image
- Removed some non used variables
v1.4.4 (06/08/2018)
- Missed dashed borders [default layout] [Testimonials module]
- Wrong page header in modal form [frontend] [edit form]
v1.4.3 (07/07/2018)
- Some css bugs happens when BS2 and BS3 framework files loaded from CDN [Testimonials module] [Default view]
- Missed static keyword in DateFormat method of component helper
- Missed static keyword in method getVoteLayout of module helper file
- Top dots border don't show in default layout
v1.4.2 (06/19/2018)
- Wrong language constants for animation fields [Testimonials module]
- succinct.min.js no more used code removed [Testimonials module]
- "Use Global" option removed from permalink and custom fields in Global configuration and testimonials module
- Date format don't change [Testimonials module]
- Date limiter was not working [Testimonials module]
- Force framework load option was missed [testimonials module]
- Animation attributes wrong [testimonials quote and default views]
- Textlimiter on hover don't work [testimonials module]
v1.4.1 (06/06/2018)
- Missed comma in sql installation file
- Category notice moved before graph
v1.4.0 (03/06/2018)
New Features:
- Joomla custom field integration
- Ability to change custom fields position before or after testimonial text
- Full view of testimonial with all layouts support
- Predefined video field that support youtube, dailymotion and vimeo
- Ability to make video field required and disabled
- Animation support in testimonials list
- UIkit support in submission form and testimonials list
- Testimonials stats module
- Submit module support modal button or full form
- Content plugin that let you display testimonial inside Joomla! articles using shortcode {joomtestimonials id=xx}
- Large devices, tablets and mobiles custom columns support for UIkit and BS3
- Ability to set max upload size of avatar field
- Ability to show or hide permalink of testimonials
- New recently added testimonials graph added in backend dashboard
- Unified backend dashboard
- Predefined fields tab in component config more organized
- Chunks in BS2 layout replaced by matchHeight library
v1.3.3 25/04/2018
- Extra js code added that fix slider height on readmore/hideless button click
- Missed anchors in jquery selectors of module
v1.3.2 12/04/2018
- Text limiter was redone and improved
- categoryedit field replaced by category field in testimonial xml files
New Features:
- Show Less button added
- Ability to add custom classes to readmore and show less buttons
- Ability to add custom format date of testimonial
- Show or hide show less button
- Timeline and quote layouts breaks in module
v1.3.0 03/06/2017
New Features:
- Force Bootstrap loading
- Testimonials of module can be displayed in columns
- Joomla! auto update system implemented
- Show / hide date of testimonial
- Show / hide Vote of testimonial
- Improved admin dashboard
- Sometimes module show hidden testimonials when sliding
- Textlimiter strip html tags
- Tabs don't switch in config
- and more other bugs fixed
v1.2 20/10/2016
New Features:
- Timeline layout added in module
- Ability to change vote field position in global config or in menu item setting
- Text limiter added in module
- Text limiter event in click or hover
- Text limiter improved
- Transition effect added in left sidebar
- Full text don't get back when text limiter enabled
- Vote field css bug in floated avatar layout
v1.1.4 03 June 2016
New Features:
- Rating field added , also you can customize stars colors
- Text Limiter added to limite testimonials text , also you can hover on testimonial to see full text
- Admin dashboard improvements
- Some missed language strings
- Category field don't show in submission form
v1.1.3 11 Mar 2016
New Features:
- Picture picker from a predefined folder
- Avatar submit type can be changed to a picker or uploader
- Bootstrap 3 for edit form
- Bootstrap 3 for floated quotes layout
- Picture required option was not working
- Picture visiblie option was not working
v1.1 19 Feb 2016
New Features:
- Captcha in submission
- New type cards with floated avatar
- Avatar upload in /avatar/ folder
- Fixed redirection problem after success submission
- Missed edit button in timeline layout
- Modal don't show when you click on edit button
- Some bugs in mobile view