By ANDI Amine on Saturday, 07 September 2019
Category: Software

5 Ways a CRM Saves Time

One of the biggest concerns for most small to mid-sized businesses is the best use of time. It can be a bit mind-numbing how quickly time goes and how many things must be done in a single day. I know how often I’ve reached the end of a day and been wondering how many things I’ve forgotten to do and with whom I’ve forgotten to speak (or email).

In fact, we built JoomCRM because of this very common feeling and concern that someone might have been forgotten about and not responded to quickly. Small business needs a tool they can use to keep track of every contact. While there were other CRM systems available most were simply way too expensive for “the little guy” and secondly, most were not available for use with Joomla. We love Joomla and wanted to tool which would work with this particular CMS. After many many months of dedicated work we created JoomCRM.

JoomCRM has saved our company a ton of time - so much time that we consider JoomCRM to be a killer CRM. If you’re not sure whether a CRM, and in particular JoomCRM, is right for your business then here are 5 ways we’ve found that JoomCRM can save you time.

1. A Good CRM Kills Meetings

With our new CRM tool we found the time we spent in meetings was significantly less. We no longer needed to all sit around and review who was contacted each day and what was said. We now had a central location where every contact and communication could be documented. No more daily reviews or “status updates” on each lead or contact. We could simply login to the CRM an quickly view a full and detailed list of every one. Even more important we could do it whenever each of us had the time. We didn’t have to try to find a time when everyone could sit down together to do a review.

2. A Good CRM Kills Double Work

Just in case everyone is not familiar with the term. Double work is the idea that you do the same thing more than once. In the case of a CRM we found we were no longer having to email the lead or contact back and then separately email the rest of the team with the email thread or forward messages on to each person on the team for that particular contact. JoomCRM allows you to BCC the CRM when you email the contact and it will automatically attach the conversation to the appropriate person within the system. That one feature alone saved us a lot of time.

3. A Good CRM Kills Apathy

Sometimes in a small business employees can get discouraged or apathetic about the sales process. We understood that it can be discouraging to feel as though every prospective client was uninterested or a dead-end. In fact, our own sales team often felt as though they were going at it alone and without any one else understanding or feeling the same sense of discouragement.

With JoomCRM we built in some pretty interesting ideas for friendly competition. Our new CRM included leaderboards and goals with some cool bar graphs where we could view each sales team members progress. This helped everyone feel a part of the team and see how their progress actually measured up with everyone else’s. What an encouragement! Not to mention it made for a bit more good-natured “battling” for the top spot.

This saved us time because everyone could see how everyone else on their team was doing. They became more energized to do more and worked more quickly on closing deals to improve their ranking.

4. A Good CRM Kills Chaos

One of the biggest challenges and loss of time in our company as we grew was how we managed and assigned tasks associated with each of our contacts. We were constantly having to check with one another to see who was doing what. Most small businesses have this same issue. Overlapping tasks and responsibilities is a major source of lost time and wasted energy. When we created JoomCRM we wanted to clearly outline tasks and items to be completed as well as who would be completing that item. We found we were saving time by organizing all of these details in a central location (our CRM). Not only did this cut down on overlap but it killed the chaos of trying to figure out who was doing what.

JoomCRM helped organize our entire business. A good CRM should take a jumble of information and tasks and responsibilities and streamline it into a single easy-to-follow workflow. We built workflows into the CRM to that everyone could see exactly what was coming next on every lead/contact. This put an incredible amount of structure and organization into our daily workflow and saved us loads of time.

5. A Good CRM Kills Clutter

The idea of digital clutter is very similar to chaos. In fact, clutter often leads to chaos and the more cluttered a business becomes the more chaotic it tends to feel. More than just being well organized a good CRM should feel “simple” and “easy to use” if a CRM has too many bells and whistles the result will be a system which no one uses. Most CRM’s on the market contain so many ‘features’ they feel overwhelming. In fact, most businesses barely scratch the surface of what a CRM can do….and they’re paying far too much for it.

We built JoomCRM to look and feel easy. Of course we offer a ton of convenient features and ways to do things but we worked incredibly hard to design an interface which felt clean and free of clutter. Working in JoomCRM feels easy. You can look at a screen and know exactly what needs to be done and what action to take. JoomCRM saves our team so much time by killing the clutter and allowing us to quickly see what needs to be done.

We hope you agree these 5 things would definitely help you save time and we also hope you would agree that more time means a better business. We all like having extra time and we would all love nothing more than to spend our days relaxing in a hammock on a beach instead of slaving away at the office. If you feel the same then perhaps investing in JoomCRM will help you accomplish your goals and improve your business.

If you’d like to learn more about how JoomCRM can help your business save time check out our CRM product page.

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