v5.6.0 (2024-10-02)
New Features
- display courses list as table [Course Views]
- manage course dates withing course edit form
- ability to generate mass course dates
- Generate bulk sessions from course date
- ability to hide category in course view
- ability to hide tags in course view
- fullcalendar updated to last version
- support calendar locale
- additional attendees now redone from scratch and attendees data are store on application listing
- some params moved to new tab "Single Course" for better organization
- some php warnings if course description not set [Course View]
- show/hide capacity was not working
- fatal error on refdata view
v5.2.0 (04/12/2023)
- Application form UI/UX [Backend]
- SEF links not generated correctly [Finder Plugin]
- some php warnings [Calendar field xml]
v5.1.0 (11/11/2023)
New Features
- Joomla 5 support without need of B/C plugin
- UI/UX of repeatable form in cart registration
- Fatal error on create if finder plugin enabled
v5.0 (26/10/2023)
New Features
- Joomla 5 support with no B/C plugin
- replaced old filter system with new joomla filter in view courses
- removed first auto added feild group (attendees field)
v4.9.0 (31/08/2023)
New Features
- Ability to exclude custom fields from guest checkout form
- Ability to enable predefined fields in guest checkout form
- product info links updated [Dashboard]
- language files tag removed to follow J4 standard
- checkout method data missed in 2 steps form [Cart]
- disable payment not working on Guest checkout
v4.8.0 (12/07/2023)
New Features
- update quantity cart if additional attendees field (as custom field used)
- 2 steps checkout [Guest checkout]
- ability to show/hide capacity, location and availability [Sessions View]
- allow registered users to checkout as guest users
- Checkout method toggle now use BS5 radio toggle buttons
- display course date price [Sessions View]
- sessions table UI/UX improved
- sessions management now in separated tab [UI/UX] [Course date form]
- PHP 8.2 compatibility
- cart quantity was not working correctly
- show page heading was not working [Cart view]
- PHP 8.2 compatibility
v4.7.0 (29/05/2023)
- wrong book now links [Sessions view]
- some other issues [Sessions view]
- nullable dates issues [SQL
v4.6.2 (05/04/2023)
- cart routing was improved
- removed some non used code [Empty cart layout]
- Some php warnings [Book button layout]
v4.6.0 (16/03/2023)
- Book button use JLayout for better reuse
- removed non used option from config
- download xml field removed [Config]
- many php warnings [PHP 8.1+ compatibility]
- waiting list feature was not working correctly
- check capacity was not working correctly
v4.6.0 (16/03/2023)
- Book button use JLayout for better reuse
- removed non used option from config
- download xml field removed [Config]
- many php warnings [PHP 8.1+ compatibility]
- waiting list feature was not working correctly
- check capacity was not working correctly
- some issues related to nullable date check in mysql queries
v4.5.1 (11/03/2023)
- change status dropdown UI/UX improved [Applications] [Backend]
- double error if email already exists [Cart]
- wrong translation constant value of Email existing
- double alias segments in course link for some cases [Routing]
v4.5.0 (27/02/2023)
New Features
- support Joomla Download ID
- missed default value of usergroup after registration
- fatal error when user plugin enabled
v4.4.6 (18/02/2023)
- Somes issues on Joomla database checker
- Somes issues on finder plugin
v4.4.4 (27/12/2022)
- subcategories now use courses root item id [Routing]
- don't display tabs if cat has subcats or items
- db warnings [Joomla Database Checker]
- delete button was missed [Coupons Types] [Backend]
- user group field doesn't display list [Config]
- course date doesn't save if location and dates not set
v4.4.0 (10/11/2022)
- tutor card info now use Layout helper for better reuse [Tutors View]
- save email template was not working [Backend]
v4.3.0 (21/10/2022)
New Features
- Ability to disbale payments from config
- Some PHP Warnings , and compatiblity with PHP 8.1
v4.2.0 (21/04/2022)
- fatal error when cach payment selected [J4]
- message doesn't display in application item [Request Invoice Plugin [J4]
- wrong default value of currencies
- missed default values of config params in some places
- fatal error on cart checkout due to php compatibility
- MYSQL issues with text data type [J4] [SQL]
- PHP 8 Compatibility [Model Cart]
v4.1.0 (10/03/2022)
- some wrong bootstrap classes ml & mr should be ms & me
- pagination code should not be in course view
- Experience level & group values doesn't hide [Cardhorizontal Layout]
v4.0 (28/02/2022)
- Joomla 4 support
- Bootstrap 5 support
- Remove of old assets (BS4 and fontawesome)
- UI/UX of dashboard improved
v1.3.9.1 (15/10/2021)
- Payment form doesn't display on pending status [Application View]
v1.3.9 (23/08/2021)
New Feature
- Request an Invoice [Payment Gateway]
- Infinte loop when checking unique username on application save [Cart Model]
- Some php warnings [Cart Model]
v1.3.8.7 (09/07/2021)
- All application placeholders was added [Email Template]
- Guest user can't access to thanks/failed pages after payment [Pay view]
- Paypal callback link doesn't work in some cases [Paypal Plugin]
- Reinstall fails [PayPal Plugin]
v1.3.8.3 (18/03/2021)
- Search + Finder plugins disabled by default on first installation
- Coupon code was not working correctly [Cart]
- Wrong JText [Cart controller]
- Wrong JText of Courses in Search view [Joomla Search Integration]
- Issue with guest user password [Guest Checkout]
- 2 wrong JText options of Courses order param [Config]
v1.3.8 (06/03/2021)
New Features
- Integration with Joomla search component [New Plugin]
- Integration with Joomla Advanced search component (Finder) [New Plugin]
- Ability to order courses (most recent, oldest, title alpha, reverse alpha, random, order, rever order ...) [Courses View]
- Added Access column on course [SQL]
- Wrong guest email column in sql update file [SQL]
- PHP Warning [Courses view]
- Fields disabling from config doesn't work on user profile, user registration [User Plugin]
v1.3.7 (23/01/2021)
New Features
- Guest Checkout Mode
- Captcha on register moved to tab cart [Config]
- User group param moved to Registration form tab [Config]
- Cart UI/UX improved and now use JLayout for better reuse [Cart View]
- Cash payment not displayed in applications list
- Contact was not published automatically when is added from checkout
v1.3.6 (25/11/2020)
New Features
- Support onContentPrepare event in private content modal
- VND currency added to currencies list
- Wrong rows and columns if single day has multiple sessions [Sessions view]
v1.3.5.5 (28/07/2020)
New Features
- Ability to display custom fields values using placeholders [Email Confirmation]
v1.3.5.4 (25/06/2020)
- Wrong course id in link on view sessions [Router Helper]
- Contact id not saved in application when custom fields enabled [Cart Model]
- PHP warnings when changing category and custom fields enabled [Course edit] [Backend]
- Ordering not working [Course Edit form]
- Show success message instead of info message when booking submitted [Cart view]
v1.3.5.1 (23/05/2020)
- Margin bottom missed of card container [Course Card layout]
- Fatal error if session description not empty [Application view]
v1.3.5 (22/05/2020)
- Status/ price columns UI improved [My Applications View]
- Use template link color and headers size [Bootstrap]
- Details and courses list UI/UX improved [Application view]
- Open private content of each course in modal [Application view
- Course description doesn't show on popover [Cart view]
- Sort icon doesn't display [Sessions View]
- Table not responsive [Sessions View]
v1.3.4 (07/05/2020)
New Features
- Ability to enable / disable / require salutation field [Cart view] [Contact Registration]
- Warning message now use alert class [Cart view]
- Broken course link [Cart view]
v1.3.3 (14/04/2020)
- Cart view now can be attached to a menu item [Cart view]
- Intelligent method to get cart menu item id [Route Helper]
- Can't edit custom field value [ACL]
v1.3.2.4 (06/03/2020)
- Responsive course dates table
- Some issues in routing system [Route helper] [Router file]
- Book now button doesn't display in some conditions [Card course layout]
v1.3.2.3 (28/02/2020)
New Features
- Ability to hide / show coupon code [Cart View]
- Switch status of application UI improved [Applications list] [Backend]
- Wrong total tax value [Cart View]
- Book now button doesn't work in relative paths [Cart view]
v1.3.2.1 (15/02/2020)
- Show buttons param was added to global config [Config]
- Course auto deleted if was added from book now button and was already in cart [Cart model]
- Show buttons param was not working when selecting read more option [Courses view]
v1.3.2 (14/02/2020)
New Features
- Ability to disable subcategories tab [Courses view]
- Ability to change courses columns [Courses view]
- Ability to remove courses from cart [Cart view]
- Disable tabs if there is no subcategories [Courses view]
- Better organization of params in tabs [Courses menu params]
- Merging menu params with global params [Courses model]
- Quantity Itemid is wrong [Cart view]
- Wrong layout names [Layouts]
- Wrong category alias [Course layouts]
- Problem when routing category inside courses and subcategories list [Courses view]
- Change buttons display was not working [Courses view]
v1.3.1 (09/02/2020)
- Use component CSS param removed [Config]
- Wrong language constants of payments [Language files]
- Login url was not working when SEF turned [Cart View]
v1.3.0 (05/02/2020)
New Features
- New UI on all views
- Joomla! Custom fields integration in courses and contacts.
- Tutor view with courses
- Tutors view list in frontend and backend
- Joomla captcha plugins integration
- Ability to disable and make required some registration fields
- Categories list view
- Ability to show / hide read more button in course card
- Routing improved
- Namespaced Fontawesome, no more conflicts with old versions
- Namespaced Bootstrap 4, no more conflicts with old versions
- Built-in captcha removed
v1.2.0 (09/04/2019)
- Courses list use now grid and cards of bootstrap 4
- My applications view UX improved
- Missed page heading in my applications, sessions and calendar views
- Missed description of component in main xml file
- Removed sql update folder cuz not needed
v1.1.1 (28/02/2019)
- CSS file not loaded in grid layout
- removed some duplicated files
v1.1.0 (11/02/2019)
New Features
- Display courses in list or grid mode [Courses view]
- Display no-image picture if course has no image [Courses view]
- Fontawesome library now load on entry point
- course informations now use table instead of dl tag [Course view]
- Refresh icon don't show [Cart view]
- Hide book now button if session date is empty [Courses view]
- ROOT text displayed if ROOT category selected [Courses view]
- Plugin system missed in build file
- Spacing added between widget container and graph [dashboard] [backend]
- COM_JOOMCOURSES_GRAPH_APPLICATIONS wrong string name [Language]
- Display warning message in activities widget if is empty [backend] [Dashboard]
- Plugin system missed [Backend] [Plugin]
- Download ID field missed in config [Backend] [Config]
- Wrong website link in copyright comments
- Module installation code commented in installation file to prevent php warnings in installation
- Uninstall file removed
- Wrong controller class name [Controller Pay]
- Wrong constant name in defines
- Wrong categories link [Backend] [Dashboard]
- Wrong vname value in addSubmenu method [Backend] [helper]
- Fix - wrong help link [Backend] [all views]
v1.0 (19/11/2018)
- Initial version