v5.1.9 (02/05/2024)
- Some UI/UX improvements
- Date start and end doesn't change when editing existing booking
v5.1.8 (09/04/2024)
New Features
- ability to change booking type on booking form of backend
- ability to change busy slot label type (Busy or Service name + full name) [Multicheckout Layout]
- disable and hide google integration in edit resource when this feature is disabled
- trigger some plugin events using site app from backend
- fullcalendar lib updated
- sender name was missing on events
- time increment issue in calendar module
- missed refresh token in google calendar integration
- fatal error in validated layout
v5.1.0 (01/01/2024)
- calendar module jquery not loaded when used outside ESB
- fatal error on GoogleCalendar cronjob due to last J5 version
v5.0 (09/11/2023)
New Features
- Joomla 5 support without Backward compatiblity plugin
- Pay with points plugin was missing
v4.9.3 (16/10/2023)
- restore export data fails [Tools Backend]
- save service without selecting calendars fails [Edit service] [Backend]
- many issues in edit booking on calendar module when using HelixUltimate template
v4.9.0 (13/10/2023)
- use current lang tag for events if multilanguage feature disabled
- UI/UX of quick booking filter
- product links info updated
- removed fontawesome duplicate code
- timeslots selector now us JField for better reuse [Booking Form]
- remove lang tags from lang files
- now we use Crowdin for translations management
- route now support multilang if enabled
- redirect on fail link now support Booking view
- fatal error when booking completed [Quick booking view]
- missed JText when captcha enabled [Quick booking]
- don't allow save if no timeslot selected [Booking Form]
- lang not passed to object on save and on update [Event object]
- wrong view name passed [Booking view]
v4.8.0 (07/09/2023)
- add pending icon on not completed booking [Calendar]
- save & close button on booking form for calendar
- filter UI/UX improved [Quick booking]
- admin events was not working on backend
- delete button sometimes appear on new in calendar
- language not saved [Booking form]
- wrong links on email validation if Multilanguage enabled
- wrong translation selected on email validation if Multilanguage enabled
v4.7.0 (29/08/2023)
New Features
- Ability to change booking language when editing in calendar
- Manage diaries was redone using last Fullcalendar version and using modals to manage holidays and bookings
- twig dependency removed because no more needed
- PHP 8.2+ compatibility
- language tag missed when loading language files [Helper]
- Some php warnings on payment page
- fatal error on events sync with google [Google Calendar Integration]
- some issues in booking details placeholder replacer
- fatal error if display past appointments disabled
- wrong date now when past appointments display activated
- p tag removed from booking details template
Note: this issue fixed for newer installation, for users updating the software please remove it manually from config
v4.5.6 (03/04/2023)
- Multilang date format in quick booking
- jump to form when date changed [Calendar view]
- wrong html structure in admin email
- wrong timzenone in validated view
- wrong slots list when single service used from many [Quick booking view]
v4.5.3 (03/03/2023)
- calendar helper duplicate removed one used for both modules
- legends list in clendar now use JLayout for better reuse
- use Joomla language constant in holidays list
- missed language constant [Manage module frontend]
- some php warnings
- some issues in holiday display inside calendar
- some issues in weekly events [Manage module frontend]
- Some slots doesn't hide when service duration doesn't fit
v4.5.0 (31/01/2023)
- non used option removed "Disable announcements" [Config]
- missed JText constants [Module Manage]
- calendar and service not selected on event edit [Module Manage]
- Some php warnings PHP v8.1+ [Module Manage]
v4.4.0 (16/01/2023)
- enable/disable recurrency button [Holiday edit]
- using Date Helper for start date [Validated layout]
- HTML structure issue in Admin notification email
- Some issues in Holidays management
- fatal error on admin validation [Validated layout]
v4.3.2 (02/01/2023)
- UI/UX improved of custom fields [Booking Form]
- Support multilanguage in short day names [Calendar]
- Booking link was not working correctly [Slim calendar Module]
- Fatal error on delete old events [Tools]
- Some php issues [Compatiblity PHP 8.1+]
- Build on zip issues [Build]
v4.3.0 (20/12/2022)
- validated layout now use Route helper for better routing
- pending layout now use Route helper for better routing
- timezone issue in events [ESB Manage Module]
- missed tr opening [Pending Admin]
v4.2.0 (29/11/2022)
- possible fatal error when one calendar with shifts if day busy
- Some issues with Joomla default timezone
v4.1.6 (09/11/2022)
- next/prev month links now are SEF
- Multipage calendar routing improved to search exact Itemid
- modal article field was not working
- some issues on routing
- back button was not working [Routing]
v4.1.2 (24/10/2022)
- make sure bookingfrom and bookingto are empty
- force jquery loading on backend
- UI/UX improved on some view on backend
- Multipage calendar routing improved to search exact Itemid
- save service doesn't save correctly [Backend]
- fatal error on uninstall
- back button was not working [Routing]
v4.0 (23/09/2022)
New Features
- Joomla download key integration
- Bootstrap 5 support
- Joomla 4 support
- Appointment finder view by email & id
- Export appointments into CSV file
- Removed old assets
- PHP 8.1 support
v1.3.3 (29/03/2022)
- form should not be displayed if selected day not allowed for booking
- Installation issue [SQL]
v1.3.1 (22/12/2021)
New Features
- Calendar custom field type
- "show busy slots option" moved to menu item type "Calendar Booking" [Multipage View]
- New isolated class for Slots generation to avoid code duplication and easy dev in future.
- hide "latest sync" widget if google integration disabled [Dashboard]
- Some issues related to holiday recurrence
- PHP Warning compatibility with PHP8
- System email pagination was not working
- Double title issue [Validated layout]
- Show busy slots option doesn't hide busy slots in multipage view
- Invalid start day and date when shifts disabled [Multipage View]
- Slot with service and outside shift should not be displayed
- search bookings was not working correctly [Bookings view] [Backend]
- disable TZ param in rendering date [Booking Details] [Backend]
- fatal error [Appointment view] [Frontend]
- wrong cancellation appointment link [Appointment view] [Frontend]
- One Language constant has no quotes [Language]
v1.2.9.2 (24/11/2021)
- Updating component not working properly in some cases [Update Integration]
- Display warning message if system plugin is disabled
v1.2.9 (17/11/2021)
- Libraries completely renewed using composer
- Some improvements on google calendar integration linking
- Summary can be displayed in service column [Bookings list]
- Compatibility with last google calendar API integration
- Display list of available google calendars instead of enter id manually [Calendar form]
- Use showon attribute when enabling/disabling google integration [Calendar form]
- Rewrite of google calendar relinking [Configuration]
- Skip event item if not linked to any google calendar [Sync cron job]
- Some php warnings in report layout [Dashboard]
- old library removed no more needed
- Some issues with google calendar events synchronization
v1.2.8.3 (01/10/2021)
- Note that explain how to use select/radio field types [Custom Fields]
- Creating new event was not working if joomla language is not in english [Diaries View]
v1.2.8 (09/08/2021)
- Make sure to check slot if outside calendar trading hours before checking global trading hours
- Make sure to remove slot outside shifts
- Client booking validation was not working correctly [Client Validation Plugin]
v1.2.6 (17/07/2021)
- Multipage calendar form JS code improved
- Custom fields form display now use JLayout for better reuse
- User appointments not displayed correctly
- Logged user info not auto filled [Details Form]
v1.2.5 (08/07/2021)
- Time format now use joomla constant [Trading Hours]
- Dateparam wrong in datepicker [Quick Booking View]
- Timezone was not correctly applied to start and end date of booking [Backend] [Bookings View]
v1.2.4 (01/07/2021)
- Hide slot if already booked and has pending status
- Language constants updated [Payment Plugins]
- Wrong end date of event when service is selected
v1.2.2 (25/06/2021)
- Date format on selected slot doesn't change [Selected Slot Layout]
v1.2.1 (08/06/2021)
New Features
- Filter depend on services or calendars [Quick Booking View]
v1.2.0 (21/04/2021)
New Features
- Filter by time shift [Quick Booking View]
- Display selected slot info [Quick / Calendar views]
- UI/UX improved [Quick Booking View]
- AngularJS code removed and converted to JS [Quick Booking View]
- Views names and descriptions updated [Backend]
- Checkout Layout style option moved to calendar menu item params [Config] [Calendar View]
- Report view removed not useful [Reports view]
- Duplicate title [Quick Booking View]
- Removed some non used xml tags in views
- Services select not updated correctly when resource changed
- Download ID was not saved
v1.1.9.3 (21/02/2021)
New Features
- Ability to apply custom CSS code [Config]
- Single Calendar checkout JS code improved and simplified [Calendar view]
- Paypal renamed to Paypal Express [Paypal Plugin] [Language]
- Set default currency to USD [Payment plugins]
- Select individual calendar param removed (not needed anymore) [Config]
- Wrong google calendar sync url warning [Config]
- Paypal error message not displayed [Paypal Plugin]
- Some PHP warnings [Pending Payment layout]
- Fontawesome lib not loaded correctly [Frontend]
- Some repeated code in recently layout was removed [Dashboard]
v1.1.9 (24/12/2020)
New Features
- Prevent Within now can be setup [Calendar form]
- Start calendar bookings at a defined date [Calendar form]
- Some events are not displayed if deleted column has null value
v1.1.8 (11/11/2020)
New Features
- Ability to see booking item details from bookings view [Backend]
- Ability to filter by trashed events [Bookings View] [Backend]
- Display progress bar [Dashboard] [Calendar utilization widget]
- Don't display or count events marked as deleted [Backend]
- created_by_alias property removed cuz not used [Bookings View] [Backend]
- Duplicate "not results found" message in last syncs widget [Dashboard view] [Backend]
v1.1.7 (23/10/2020)
New Features
- New view for managing bookings , admin will be able to verify, unverify and delete easily, also can filter items easily [Backend]
- Sidebar navigation to browse and manage component features easily [Backend]
- 2 new permissions "can verify" and "can delete" [ACL] [Backend]
- New modern UI/UX dashboard [Backend]
- Easycron config moved to setup menu [Backend]
- Tools buttons moved to setup menu [Backend]
- Dashboard report now use JLayout for better reuse [Backend]
- Bookings chart doesn't display [Reports view] [Backend]
- Don't display sync items if has no items [Dashboard] [Backend]
v1.1.6.2 (30/09/2020)
- Twig updated to last version
- Sometimes event not created from manage diaries [Backend]
v1.1.6 (13/05/2020)
New Features
- Send email notification to client on success payment [Payments Plugin]
v1.1.5 (11/05/2020)
- Amount format display improved using numberformatter class [Payment Layout] [Booking View]
- Cancel button doesn't hide if delete own permission disabled [Appointments View]
- No space between payment buttons [Payment Layout] [Booking View]
- Duplicate title in payment layout [Booking view]
v1.1.4 (13/11/2019)
- Back button in multicalendar view [ESB View]
- Ability to save form data when sessions still active [All views]
- Edit button in SMS/Emails manager instead of checkbox [Backend]
v1.1.3.3 (06/11/2019)
- Sometimes validation library loaded after main js code in some templates
- PHP notice in custom fields [Backend]
- Cron job controller filename was wrong
v1.1.3.1 (23/10/2019)
- Day with no free appointments should not be clickable in calendar [Calendar View]
v1.1.3 (22/10/2019)
New Features
- Ability to display calendar and booking details in one column [Calendar booking view]
- Pending layout UI improved
- FreeFlow View UI improved [Calendar booking view]
- Removed some non useful language constants
- Admin validation confirmation notification not sent to client [Admin validation plugin]
- Fatal error in renderTemplate Method [SMS Plugins]
- Empty option in select shift select [Calendar]
v1.1.2 (16/10/2019)
- Wrong event column length [Database structure]
v1.1.0 (03/09/2019)
- Documentation links [View Configuration] [Backend]
- Added options button in dashboard view [View Dashboard] [Backend]
- Removed some non useful messages [View Configuration] [Backend]
v1.0 (10/08/2019)
- Initial version