v5.3.0 (06/09/2024)
New Features
- support Webhook [Stripe payment]
- some php warnings on installation [PHP 8.3]
- some php warnings [AuthorizeNet Payment] [PHP 8.3]
- some php warnings in modal [Invoice details] [Frontend] [PHP 8.3]
- missed language constant on modal [Invoice details] [Frontend] [J5.1]
v5.2.2 (16/06/2024)
New Features
- Authorize.NET company payment plugin
- Ability to filter by not recurring invoices
v5.2.0 (28/03/2024)
New Features
- Set default due date days on new invoice
- Ability to autopublish new generated recurrent invoice
- Set item id on success or cancel [Payment]
- display company name in invoices list [Backend]
- small issue sometimes doesn't let contacts to be displayed
- sql issues happens in some mysql versions
v5.1.4 (31/12/2023)
- quantity issues when saving invoice
- some php warnings in contacts view
- duplicate invoice on renewing [OSMembership integration]
- taxes total count always 0
v5.1.1 (31/12/2023)
- UI/UX of client area
- duplicate invoice by default unpublished
- langauge file issue on J5.0.1
v5.0.3 (20/11/2023)
- display warning if codemirror plugin not enabled [Edit Text template]
- exists function replace with is_dir or is_file
v5.0 (02/11/2023)
New Features
- send reminder directly from payments view
- Joomla 5 support without need of compatiblity plugin
v4.4.0 (06/08/2023)
New Features
- send reminder notification for unpaid invoices
- some php warnings in frontend [PHP 8.2+]
- some php warnings on templates list [Backend]
- quotes js issues
v4.3.0 (02/08/2023)
- Some UI/UX improvements in quotes list
- PHP 8.2 compatibility
v4.2.4 (21/01/2023)
New Features
- Filter by reucurring in fitler bar
- filter by recurring select [Invoices] [Backend]
- Invoice url now can use correct ItemId [Routing]
- Payment url now can use correct ItemId [Routing]
- UI/UX of payment page
- model js files moved to media folder
- make sure to return empty array if social plugins disabled on contact search
- auto version on build
- don't trigger integrations if 3rd party extension not installed or enabled
- move Stripe lib to libraries folder
- quotes js issues
- some php warnings [PHP8.1 Compatibility]
- Logged user can't see invoice view [Frontend] [Invoice View]
- issue saving invoice if tax not set
- some issues regarding to assets files
- payment fails if client email not set when sending notif [Payments]
- fatal error when enabling some plugin integrations
- php warning in auhtorizenet payment
- some SQL issues on creating new invoice
- wrong alias on some tables in update file 4.0
- replace mootools old code with jQuery
v4.0 (21/09/2022)
New Features
- Joomla 4 support
- Joomla download key integration support
- Bootstrap 5 support
- Ability to filter by recurrent invoices only by adding keyword : is_recurrent:1
- removed all old assets
- some old mootools code converted to jQuery
- trigger plugin integrations only if 3rd party component is installed and enabled
- Strip lib moved to libraries folder
- PHP 8.1 support
v1.1.7 (28/02/2022)
- recalculate invoice due date when duplicating invoice or creating a new recurrence [Invoices]
- payments graph should be display by payment date [Dashboard]
v1.1.6 (12/12/2021)
New Features
- Generate recurring invoices true cron job
- Recurring plugin removed not needed anymore
v1.1.5.3 (01/12/2021)
- New Checkout stripe API
- dompdf now use Composer for better libraries management
- Always set default invoice/quite template id
- invoice creation was not working [J2Store integration]
- pdf attachemnt was not working in Email
- Tax select was not working [J2Store integration]
- language not loaded [J2Store integration]
v1.1.3 (13/10/2021)
- Some php warnings on email generation
- domPDF library was missed
- Wrong logo path for PDF view
- Sometimes PDF generation fails
- Wrong invoice model instance [Helper]
v1.1.2 (11/10/2021)
- VueJS update to last version
- Always make sure table height not short [Invoices View]
- Preview button separated from publish/unpublish [Invoices View]
- Always make sure default language strings loaded [Language]
- publish/unpublish state doesn't change [JS] [Invoices List]
- Fatal error send mail button doesn't work [Invoices View]
- PHP Warning when deleting payment from invoice [Invoice Form]
- PHP Warning history file not found [Invoices Form]
- Some issues with language check [JS] [Language]
- Some php warnings when publishing/unpublishing [Invoices View]
v1.1.0 (04/10/2021)
- no need to test if get_magic_quotes_gpc [Core]
- percent in tax column missed [Products List]
- currency symbol not displayed [Product edit]
v1.0 (15/02/2021)
- Initial version