5.4.0 (2024-11-28)
- Many UI/UX improement in many views
- some php warnings [VideoJS Player]
- pagination doesn't display [Channels List]
- load more videos was not working due to old jquery code [Channel view] [Frontend]
- Issues with Pagination [Routing]
5.3.0 (2024-11-21)
- display warning message if video not supported [MP4 Player]
- Player container now Layout for better reuse and seperation of concern [MP4 Player]
- thumb original by default added as poster [Video Item Object]
- MP4Player JS files updated to last version
- Youtube integration was not working [VideoJS]
- Poster was not displaying [VideoJS Player]
- MP4Player was not working correctly [MP4 Player]
- Language constants broken on plugin configuration [VideoJS Player]
- some php warnings was fixed in many views and places
- play icon was not displaying on categories view
- play icon show/hide on hover was not working
- removed some non needed xml views
- some php warnings when running requirements checker
- jcomment integration file was missing
- Some issues on edit forms on frontend
- fatal error when adding vimeo link [Remote Upload]
5.2.0 (2024-08-15)
New Features
- User menu navigation bar [User account]
- VideoJS now support last update vimeo integration
- UI/UX of Vimeo import improved [Upload]
- Vimeo import now use JLayout for better reuse [Upload]
- import videos from vimeo was not working [Upload]
- some php warnings [Upload]
- product info links updated
- upload button on dashboard nav was not working
5.1.0 (2024-05-28)
New Features
- Joomla 4 & 5 support
- vimeo API support token
- show db error removed not needed anymore
- some issues on CLI process
- some sql problems that prevent updating
- sync users for now installations was not working correctly
- joomla layouts overrides not removed on update
- wrong config links [Dashboard] [Backend]
5.0.6 (2024-05-14)
New Features
- Joomla 4 & 5 support
1.6.4 (2023-06-15)
- Preparation for Joomla 4 support
- old free vimeo api removed cuz not working anymore
- Vimeo API now required to extract video data
- Vimeo API certificate updated
- Some php warnings
- Some possible fatal errors that can stop updating to J4
1.6.1 (28/07/2022)
- Show card body only if content available [Video card layout]
- Wrong videos ordering [Search plugin]
1.6.0 (23/05/2022)
New Features
- Support summary and body in Videos [Smart Search Integration]
- Support of large files uploading [Amazon S3 integration]
- remember search result now supported in categories view as well
- some code changes to prepare for Joomla 4 support
- pagination not reset on filter [Videos Backend]
- some php warnings in some models
1.5.0 (19/04/2022)
New Features
- ability to move videos to CDN true cron job
- ability to set max videos to move to CDN per CLI/Cron Job call
- channel and playlists adding now use object method [User Sync]
- check if user channel already exist to avoid duplicate [User Sync]
- add canonical tag to prevent duplicate video links when attached to multiple categories
- now categories per page support global param
- now categories order support global param
- custom fields data not restored when video not saved [Video]
- browser page title was not working [Categories View]
- categories order random was not working properly
- categories per page was not working properly
1.4.19 (30/03/2022)
- image aspect [Card layouts]
- Session support of form data when validation fail [All forms]
- some php warnings [Video card layout]
- autplay slideshow was not working correctly [Videos module]
1.4.18 (23/03/2022)
New Feature
- autoplay carousel [Videos Module]
- ability to keep original aspect ratio [Video Processing]
- more regions added [Amazon S3 integration]
- more checks when CDN CLI running [CDN
- Ireland region was not working [Amazon S3 integration]
- some php warnings in S3 library [Amazon S3 CDN]
- php warning on video processing [Video Processing]
- fatal error on filter order value [Videos list]
- wrong doc link [Amazon S3 Integration]
1.4.17 (15/02/2022)
- Ability to enable/disable autoplay [Slideshow]
- new maintenance tool that let you rebuild wrong channel alias
- php warnings [CLI Checker]
- some plugins was missed in installation [Installation]
- missed language file [Module Categories]
1.4.15 (12/02/2022)
- PHP 8 compatiblity issues
- poster image was not displaying [VideoJS]
- description field of video now is always required
- Wrong generated alias when synchronizing users with channels
- Synchronize button was not working properly
- issue saving download ID in widget [Dashboard]
- html video description code should not be displayed [Tags Integration]
- some missed commits that was added without github includes AS3 issues and player borders issue
- All views now use unique classes
- View header now use JLayout for better reuse [All views]
- Backend Dashboard UI/UX improved [Dashboard view]
1.4.10 (14/07/2020)
New Features
- Ability to remove Ids from SEF Url of video, playlist, category, channel [Routing] [SEF] [Config]
- Ability to order categories and subcategories by title and ordering [Categories/Category view]
- New tool that let you update non secure thumb links [Maintenance View]
- Ability to show/hide preview and subscription buttons [Channel Card layouts]
- Ability to change number of preview videos to display [Channel Card layouts]
- Ability to show/hide total videos [Channel Card layouts]
- Ability to show only featured preview videos [Channel Card layouts]
- Ability to change preview videos order [Channel Card layouts]
- Show only featured channels was not working [Channels Module]
- All views now use unique classes
- View header now use JLayout for better reuse [All views]
- Backend Dashboard UI/UX improved [Dashboard view]
- Backend Widgets now use JLayout for better reuse [Dashboard view]
- Use default subcategories columns if category top redirected to categories
- New sidebar link "Requirements Checker" added
- Hide footer if buttons disabled [Channel Card Layout]
- Disable preview button if channel has no videos
- Lookup for itemId also in category, categories and home views [Route helper]
- Support of - in seo view name [Router]
- Get item id from home view if other views not added in menu item type [Route Helper]
- Random videos order was not working [Category view]
- Custom fields filtering was not working correctly
- Missed div closing tag [Categories module]
- Select user modal was not working
- Other custom fields doesn't display if there is an empty field [Custom fields Layouts]
- Missed JRoute on Videos link [Channels Module]
- Grid Switch default value not recognized sometimes
- Featured only option was not working [Channels Module]
- Duplicate entry when adding a new channel and custom fields enabled [Channel Form]
- Featured only option was not working [Channels Module]
- Preview Button sometimes doesn't work in some templates [Channel Card Layout]
- Show card footer only if date and hits can be displayed [Video Card Layout]
- Hide custom fields block if is empty
- Apply default channel doesn't work properly [Manage channels list]
- Fatal error when saving an item and global filtering is enabled [All Forms]
- Duplicate entry when cf is enabled
1.4.9 (18/06/2020)
New Features
- Ability to remove Ids from SEF Url of video, playlist, category, channel [Routing] [SEF] [Config]
- Ability to change customize view name in SEF Url of video, category, channel [Routing] [SEF] [Config]
- Maintenance Tools [Backend]
- Unique alias generation when add a new video, playlist, category, channel
- Check if alias already exist before saving when saving video, playlist, category, channel
- Check button UI more visible [Addto palylist layout]
- JHtml script/stylesheet instead of JDocument for loading bootstrap files
- get thumb path function improved [Core]
- Root category now use Joomla menu item metadata [Category view]
- Update 3rd party integration on postflight [Installation]
- JTable bind and check missed when saving an existing video [Videos Controller]
- PHP Warning when default channel don't have a thumb [Dashboard]
- Player breaks when there is quotes in introtext and sharing buttons enabled [VideoJS]
- Wrong default listing style of uploads or playlists [Channel view]
- playlist order was not working [Addto playlist Layout]
- New playlist not automatically added to the list [Addto playlist layout]
- PHP Warnings when creating playlist from video [Core Controller]
- Simple select for channel instead of modal
- set default channel was not working well [Channels list]
- all forms filtering was not working
- Custom fields data filtering was not working
- Global filtering was not working [Editor]
- special characters not decoded in title and description metadata [Video view]
- PHP Wrong constant [Installation script]
- Commented videos not recognized [Komento Integration]
- Wrong video link [Komento Integration]
- color override param removed cuz no more used [Config]
- Fatal error if categories view called without Itemid [Categories view]
- Fatal error when migrating videos from Yendif Videos Share [Migration]
1.4.8 (07/05/2020)
New Features
- Ability to allow user groups to download video [Video View] [ACL]
- Ability to change categories order by title and order [Categories module]
- Hide unpublished from category select option in frontend, and in backend display between brackets [Categories Select]
- Button edit was added and can be seen only by video owner [Video view]
- Always make sure jQuery loaded before bootstrap [Entry point]
- FLV support removed [All players]
- Empty source files not skipped [All players]
- No more multiple identical id value for modals [Modals] [Buttons Bar layout]
- Missed JText of tag type video [Tags integration]
- Hide completely files tab for normal users [Video Edit] [Frontend]
- Excluding access levels now reversed to Including [Access Levels Select]
- Standardized convention naming for ids and classes attributes values [All modules]
- Playlist access select now support include levels param from config [Video View] [Add to playlist modal]
- Add to playlist modal UI/UX improved [Video View]
- Add to playlist modal use JLayout for better reue and better code organization [Video View]
- Load modal and icon assets only if enabled in param [Category view] [Videos module]
- Load iziModal assets only when used in some layouts
- Search in description was not working [Category view] [Built-in videos search]
- Problem in like dislike count [Video view]
- Removed some non useful code [Plugin System]
- Wrong default PHP path variable when OS is Windows [Processing]
- Video thumb size params in category menu was not working [Category view] [Video Layout]
- Metadata set from menu item type categories doesn't work [Categories View]
- Removed non used property $bsversion [All views]
- Show video channel missed [Featured videos module]
- Show channel label param was removed cuz not used anymore [Videos module]
- Column ordering was not working [Backend] [Videos List]
- Add to modal always empty [Video view] [Add to playlist modal]
- Fatal error when creating a new playlist [Video View]
- PHP warning of channel URL [Video card layout]
1.4.7 (27/04/2020)
New Features
- Ability to set tool id of addthis [Config] [Player Tab]
- Ability to show subcategories in BS List group layout [Categories module]
- Ability to change categories number per page [Config] [Tab Layout]
- Support of render classes in custom fields [Custom fields Layout]
- Ability to exclude access level views from access select [Edit form]
- CURL processing with secret key [Processing]
- Change maximum process to execute per call [Processing]
- Ability to change Auto run mode to direct or CLI [Processing]
- Can feature video action [ACL]
- Edit button [Video card layouts]
- Ability to test CLI true exec PHP function [Requirements] [Backend]
- Player tab organized [Config]
- UI of items listing videos/channels/playlists list [Dashboard] [Frontend]
- Quick navigation buttons now use JLayout for better reuse [Dashboard]
- Broken pagination in videos/channels/playlists list [Dashboard] [Frontend]
- Edit layouts UI improved [Edit forms]
- Recent added items chart now use ChartJS library instead of Google Chart [Dashboard]
- Recent added items chart now use JLayout for better reuse [Dashboard]
- Display messages when processes executed in CLI and direct mode [Processing]
- Options organization in tab processing [Config]
- Play icon overlap in card layout [Categories layouts]
- Sometimes when uploading multiple files and search finder plugin enabled [Core] [Upload]
- Some non used ids removed from html code [Playlist layout] [Video Layout]
- Wrong SEF videos links [Search Plugin]
- Missed JText constants [Videos List] [Dashboard] [Frontend]
- Wrong icons in videos/channels/playlists list [Dashboard] [Frontend]
- Missed params property in videos/channels/playlists list [Dashboard] [Frontend]
- Broken links in linked videos modal [Playlist edit] [Backend]
- No need to load Addthis if show buttons option disabled [Share buttons Layout]
- Alt attr missed in some img tags [Layouts]
- Exit platform when upload finished using ajax [Upload Controller]
- Choose file in subtitle doesn't display filename [Video Edit] [Frontend]
- Invalid SEF urls of videos [Finder plugin]
- Removed some whitespace in embed modal [Video view]
- Meta Injection removed because was used for FLV conversion, and now FLV is dead [Video Processing]
- FLV video generation removed [Video Processing]
- Force to process removed [Processing]
1.4.6 (09/04/2020)
New Features
- OSMap integration plugin added to installation package [Integration]
- Simple list and list group layouts [Categories module]
- Ability to change categories number per page [Config] [Tab Layout]
- Play icon overlap in card layout [Categories layouts]
- Sometimes when uploading multiple files and search finder plugin enabled [Core] [Upload] (07/04/2020)
New Features
- Preview video button in toolbar [Video Edit] [Backend]
- Auto add Komento / JComments file integration [Comments] [3rd party Integration]
- DIV tag close missed in header block [Video View]
- Removed some non used old css code added in head of doc [Video View] (27/03/2020)
- Some css improvements in modal [CSS] [iziModal]
- DIV tag close missed in header block [Video View]
- Removed some non used old css code added in head of doc [Video View] (18/03/2020)
New Features
- Now you can display videos order like in Joomla articles [Category view]
- Ability to choose which created date type to choose (from api or current date value) when using import from Youtube or Vimeo
- Missed closing tag [Channel Layout]
- Fatal error when opening linked videos modal [Playlist edit] [Backend]
- Linked videos modal table header repeated [Playlist edit] [Backend]
- Selecting videos doesn't work well [Vimeo import]
- Show control params default value was not set [VideoJS Player]
1.4.5 (04/02/2020)
New Features
- Ability to ability to get showcase videos [Vimeo Import]
- Allow any link to be added as direct video [Remot Upload]
- UI/UX improved in vimeo import tab [Uploading view]
- Importing videos was not working properly [Vimeo Import]
- Pagination not working properly [Vimeo Import]
- Some missed constants language [Vimeo Import]
- Created date should not be there [Category card layout]
- Playicon layout was not working [Categories module]
- Wrong params names [Categories module] (04/02/2020)
- Playicon layout doesn't load if loaded outside component [Layouts]
- Wrong missed table alias for language column [Popular videos]
- Wrong created video date [Channel Layout]
- Some php warnings if video has no channel [Channel Layout] (14/01/2020)
- All params now well organized and use showon attribute [Category view]
- Now we use Playicon layout for better reuse [Category view]
- Remove some non used variables [Category view]
- No need to check if there is no categories [Category view]
- Intelligent method to display active tab [Category view]
- Play button added to Video full width card [Category view]
- Linked videos now use iziModal [Linked videos modal] [Playlist Form]
- Subcategories columns options was not working [Category view]
- Broken layout when displaying subcats as list
- Title / desc limit was not working in videos full card layout [Category view]
- Subscribe button not working [Channels view]
- Pagination broken in some views [User dashboard]
- Invalid channel id [User subscriptions]
- Linked videos modal doesn't need pagination [Linked videos modal] [Playlist Form]
- Broken playlist list layout [Playlists view]
- Thumbs not showing in edit forms [Frontend] [Dashboard] [Edit Layouts]
v1.4.4 (05/01/2020)
- Sidebar menu now use submenus and easy to understand [Backend] [Sidebar]
- Many views and module now use layouts for better reuse.
- Routing mechanism improved, now JoomVideos can find the correct itemid easily
- Publish icon UI improved [All list views] [Backend]
- Many UI/UX improvements in grid/list views
- Namespaced fontawesome library
- UTF8 saving problem [Remote upload]
- Cursor pointer doesn't display in buttons bar [Buttons bar layout]
- Don't display removed categories in video [Video View]
- Shouldn't exclude category with ID equal to 1 [Category Edit] [Category dropdown]
- Debug code left in functions library
- Change user modal not working [Playlist form] [Channel form]
v1.4.3 (05/12/2019)
- Convert nl to br tags in when extracting youtube video description [Youtube Remote Plugin]
- Title doesn't display if show desc disabled [Grid Layout] [Videos list module]
- No bottom space between video cards [Grid Layout] [Videos list module]
- Display warning message if video unpublished or doesn't exist [Video Model] [Video View]
- Protect files expire time param moved after protect files param [Config XML]
- No space between Published label and date [Video View]
v1.4.2 (22/11/2019)
- Namespaced carousel to avoid conflicts [All modules]
- Broken thumb link in playlist [Video view]
- Removed some additional margin in thumbs of playlist [Video view]
- Wrong video block size on scrolling [Video view]
- Grid/list switch buttons not working [Categories view]
- Broken card footer [Featured module]
v1.4.1 (20/11/2019)
New Features
- Ability to change title tag [Category view]
- Ability to add custom class in title [Category view]
- Ability to change title and description truncation length in list and in grid separately
- Description block now use JLayout for better reuse [Category view]
- UI of description block improved [Category view]
- Thumb width param removed [Category view]
- Videos search bar UI improved [Category view]
- Text removed in Grid/List buttons and replaced by tooltips [Search Layout]
- Spaces between search bar and Grid/List button decreased in small devices [Search layout]
- Spaces between thumb and description in small devices [Description layout]
- Playicon and modal use JLayouts for better reuse [Category view]
- Full width video card in list use JLayouts for better reuse [Category view]
- Full width video card UI improved
- Regular font of icons in video card and card full width layouts [Category view]
- Wrong video play icon position in videos list tab [Category view]
- Some missed JText constants of tooltips [Search Layout]
- Strip tags param for description was not working [Category view]
- PHP notice in bd_nice_number function [Library]
- Playlist doesn't display for public users [Video view] [Playlist layout]
v1.4.0 (16/11/2019)
New Features
- Joomla! Custom fields integration in videos, playlists, channels
- Namespaced Bootstrap 4 no more conflicts with old Bootstrap versions
- Vimeo Videos Import [Upload view]
- Floating video on scrolling [All video players]
- Swiper carousel instead of OWL Carousel [Modules]
- Ability to change background color of player container [Video view]
- Ability to upload remote links and specify type (for directvideo, hls and dash)
- Ability to enable or disable url format testing in remote videos
- Ability to enable or disable url status checking in remote videos
- Ability to show / hide subcategories [Categories module]
- Ability to show / hide thumbnails [Categories module]
- Ability to override title, change items count ... and more [User videos plugin for JomSocial]
- Display categories dynamically based on current category view id [Categories module]
- Ability to show or hide empty categories [Categories module]
- Default image of channel updated
- Display warning message if no module published in home positions, message can be seen only by super users [Home View]
- Modules chrome now uses card style [Home View]
- JLayouts used in modules and many views area for better reuse.
- UX/UI improved in many views
- Uploading tab config well organized [Config]
- Ability to upload private vimeo videos [Vimeo Import]
- Fatal error if default player not activated
- Flowplayer not responsive in embed mode
- PHP notice in channel view [backend]
- Thumbnail not extracted if vimeo video is private [Remote link]
- PHP notice error in video [Content plugin]
- MP4PLayer not loaded if shortcode used multiple times [Content plugin]
- Disable resolution switcher if video source is youtube or vimeo
- Font family conflict with Fontawesome [VideoJS Player]
- PHP notice when adding a new playlist [Playlist manage] [Dashboard]
- Fatal error when clicking on order by in channels list [Backend]
- Some non used params was removed [Categories module] [Channels module]
- html_entity_decode should be before strip_tags [Categories module] [Channels module]
- Removed show/hide category param [Channels module]
- Check url if not found using curl method instead of get_headers because fails in some servers [Remote link uploading method]
- Update video sources only if source array not empty [VideoJS Plugin]
- Google IMA ad container hide play button [VideoJS Plugin]
v1.3.6 01/02/2019
- Wrong current player name [MP4 Player]
- Wrong title and duration process param names [Processing]
v1.3.5 14/01/2019
New Features
- Ability to enable or disable duration processing
- Ability to enable or disable title processing
- Users can't edit their own videos
v1.3.4 29/11/2018
New Features
- Ability to change 4k bitrate value from config [backend]
- Ability to add to playlist when editing the video from the backend
- Channel header improved
- Class 'JoomVideosHelperRoute' not found in some modules
- Created & Modified fields don't work in edit form of video [backend & frontend]
v1.3.3 11/11/2018
New Features
- Ability to display all videos in root category
- 4K video processing support (mp4, flv, webm and ogg)
- No more duplicated videos links between categories and root category
- Custom itemid in modules of videos removed because is automatically generated
- Skip video with same ID in migration and display skipped items and the number of imported/skipped videos
- Always use responsive mode in video embed layout
- 2 methods added functions class to remove stylesheet and script files
- Get video size on video processing was not working
- Watermark image always display default image [MP4Player]
- Autoplay don't work in vimeo videos [MP4Player]
- Player not centered if responsive mode is disabled [VideoJS]
- Missed class suffix, cache, cache time and cache mode in latest, popular, featured, playlist, categories modules
- Missed string languages for 120p option generation in config
- Fatal error include/toolbar.php when running CLI
- Possibility of wrong IDs for videos with 120px resolution
- Ads on videos don't work if start time set to 00:00:00 [MP4Player]
- Ads keeps showing in vimeo video [MP4Player]
- Wrong height for some videos in modal view [Video Embed layout]
- One source video don't work [MP4Player]
- Time not added in created or modified fields if you save a video [Edit video view]
v1.3.2 28/07/2018
New Features
- MP4 Player support Ads (works on youtube, vimeo and MP4 files)
- Processing support for low resolution videos (120px)
- Close button show automatically when you hover on video inside slide [Videos List Module] [Slideshow layout]
- Fatal error when ordering files by size [Backend] [Files view]
- Duration and title not extracted after video processing
- Global autoplay don't work on VideoJS and JWPlayer
v1.3.1 08/06/2018
- Headers check support HTTP 1.0 and HTTP 2 in remote plugins
- Missed dot in Youtube thumbnail link
v1.3.0 06/06/2018
New Features
- Plugins manager view that let you manage official plugins easily from backend
- Quick Youtube videos import using Youtube API
- Reveal animations in videos and categories
- HLS support as remote plugin (Online Streaming)
- DASH support as remote plugin (Online Streaming)
- New player added (MP4Player), support Youtube, Vimeo, HLS and MP4
- Quota (limit disk space usage of uploaded files by user group)
- Limits (limit videos, playlists, files .... added by user group)
- Many new ACL rules added
- Upload subtitle to video with support in players
- Watermark support added in VideoJS
- Logobrand support added in VideoJS
- Ability to change Youtube thumbnails size from plugin params
- Ability to change Vimeo thumbnails size from plugin params
- Ability to display full video with details or only video when using content plugin
- New "Recently" graph added in backend dashboard
- Ability to force bootstrap framework loading
- Recaptcha support in report form
- Youtube support in JWPlayer v7
- PHP v7.2 support
- Each video adding method has it's own template file now
- Ads automatically disabled when youtube video played
- Directvideo plugin support direct flv and dropbox link
- Upload workflow improved, now you can choose category and publish state when adding new videos
- HTTPS support on all remote plugins
- New unified design in dashboard
- JWPlayer v7 and v8 support
- JWPlayer v5 removed
- Flow player updated to last version
- Back to dashboard button was missed in some views
- Check if easysocial or jomsocial installed in plugins
- PHP notices appears if playlist is empty
- "No Videos in this playlist" message added if playlist page is empty
- Playlist button actions hidden if playlist is empty
- Folders problem in Server bulk upload method
- Video icon in serverbulk was missed
- Reports page don't work in admin area
- Description not automatically added when adding remote video youtube
- Sometimes video description imported from youtube
- Action bar hide modal in admin area
- Thumbnail in category module don't show
- Wrong video link url in tag view
- HWDMediashare videos import don't work
- Sometimes users synchronization message don't hide in backend
- Some missed language strings in language translator and backup views
- Vimeo plugin was not workin with VideoJS
- Video with playlist broken in JWPlayer and FlowPlayer
- Height of video inside modal wrong in Iframe and JWPlayer
- And many more ...
v1.2.4 06/11/2017
- Uploaded picture not saved in first time when adding a new category, playlist or channel
- Categories pagination wrong when "show empty categories" option is disabled
- User plugin installation in wrong directory
- Video link don't work when video modal is disabled in videos list module
- Title and description characters limit don't work for categories list
v1.2.3 04/18/2017
- Youtube plugin updated to support https
- Breadcumb path change if video embedded in joomla article
- videoJS Player bug if description has more than one pararaph
- default banner background don't show in channel view
v1.2.2 - 03/31/2017
- Protect local video files was not working
- Wrong installation for plugins directovideo, user and jwplayer installation
- User synchronization default value not set during new installation
- php Warning when using ads for videosJS
- PreRoll Source Name was wrong in XML file of VideoJS
v1.2.1 03/01/2017
- Remote version detection improved to work with curl, fsockopen and fopen
- getVideoSize function improved
- Facebook social share button in VideoJS Player don't work
- Tools section in admin dashboard open in new window
- Play icon zoom bug in firefox
- Missed strings in videojs plugin
- Detect if easysocial is already installed before triggering stream plugin
v1.2 02/19/2017
New Features:
- New dashboard in backend
- VideoJS Player updated to v5
- Joomla auto update system
- Vimeo videos can be played true videojs player directly
- Embed videos now has reponsive mode or custom mode param in plugin config
- Sharing buttons (twitter + facebook) in videojs player
- Advertisements in VideoJS Player with mulitple categories include and videos exclude
- Params to hide hits and date
- Params to hide category, channel labels in videos list
- Random videos in videos list module
- New params for slideshow layout (auto scale, base width and height, image scale mode , autoheight and more...
- Title and Desc in slideshow layout of module
- User Videos Tab plugin for Community Builder
- User Videos Tab plugin for EasyProfile
- Categories view title and desc truncate params
- Recaptcha added in report form
- Video preview in user videos list view
- Slideshow thumbs improved
- Related videos now by title
- Added allowfullscreen in some remote videos plugins
- Report form validation improved
- Backup / Restore improved
- User videos list and channels list views improved
- Thumb processing improved
- Wrong Itemid in grid list categories view
- Extreme.com remote plugin removed (API don't work)
- Wat.tv remote plugin removed (Website shutdown)
- Blip.tv remote plugin removed (Website shutdown)
- Videoitem incorrect class attribut
- Missed icon of video file in bulk upload
- Subcats don't show in categories admin area view
- Popup fullscreen don't work
- Videos backup mysql error
- Categories backup mysql error
- Problem in videoflow videos migration
- Strip tags not workin' in modules
- Report reason can't be saved in backend
- Modal link in modules and category view still show if open in modal disabled
- Vimeo iframe don't show completly
- Removed in head titles of backend
- Videos list in admin area broken when you check in process list
- Carousel rtl support
- and many other fixes ...
v1.1.9.1 05 August 2016
- Hits counter don't work when video opened in modal view
- Dropbox video link don't work using direct video plugin
- Search box don't show when no videos found
- Change link updated in dashboard
- Video don't work if direct video plugin not enabled
v1.1.9 29 July 2016
New Features:
- Remote direct link plugin
- Responsive and customizable slideshow with thumbnails for videos list module
- All modules now can use carousel view
- Open videos from category and modules in modal view
- Change play icon size and state
- New user dashboard
- User favorite and watchlater playlists views
- Videos grid use chuncks in modules
- Title and description limit options add in all modules and category view (subcats & videos)
- Description Strip tags option added in all modules and category view
- Smart and custom menuitem options added in all modules
- Info block that show allowed remote videos in remote upload tab
- Unsubscribe button added in subscriptions page
- User dashboard look
- Unique search in each category
- Guest user will be redirected if try to access to favorite/watchlater playlist
- Video bar don't show in modal view
- Grid and list view don't change in category view for subcats and videos tabs
- Wrong itemid when video opened whitin a category view
- Wrong table name in categories modules
- Channel picture is distorted on the channel view
- Picture (banner) remains unchanged even when new image is added in channel view
- Subscribtions page don't show correct channels
- Video meta title don't show quotes
- Videos direction in category page don't work
- Dillow access to other users favorite/watchlater playlists
- and many other fixes ...
v1.1.8 03 May 2016
New Features:
- Embed Code
- Server Bulk Import
- Translation Manager
- Komento Integration
- Disqus Integration
- EasySocial Stream
- Facebook Comments
- JomSocial user videos
- Processesing of original Video improved
- Classic upload (that use flash) don't work
- Notice of http_host in cli when auto processing enabled
- videos table id column don't show
- Process video button don't work when video process is queued
- videojs plugins don't load if item->duration is empty
v1.1.7 21 Mar 2016
New Features:
- Bootstrap 3 Support
- Exclude categories and videos IDs in Simple PreRoll
- Open graph protocol added in video and category page
- Possibility to show or hide play icon in thumbnails
- New button added in processes page to clear logs and processes quickly
- Joomla 3.5 compatibility
- Visual improvements in many views
- Embed link not routed when sef enabled
- many other small fixes was done
v1.1.5 06 Feb 2016
- Fatal error in user dashboard
- Linked videos don't show in frontend playlist
- Some css bugs fixed in admin area
- Title moved before name when u edit or add a new custom field
- publish and feature icons don't show in user select modal
v1.1.4 23 Jan 2016
New Features:
- Recheck requirements button in admin dashboard
- Requirements caching to speed dashboard load time
- DropZone and Fancy Upload don't show in firefox
- Show list modal don't show videos list in admin area
- Yamdi and Flvtool path check don't work if os is linux
v1.1.3 05 Jan 2016
New Features:
- Add component version in dashboard
- Display a preroll video before the main video starts.
- Plugins section added in admin sidebar
- FLVTool checking not working
- Yamdi checking not working
- videos list module - type select not working
v1.1.2 10 Dec 2015
New Features
- Change video thumb size in videos list of category view
- OSMap Plugin
- Removed non used language strings
- Some improvements in video view style
- Category and categories views default menu params not set
- Duplicate videos in category list view
- Html tags show in descriptions of videos in playlist view
- Playlist thumbs overlapping
v1.1.0 03 Nov 2015
New Features:
- Carousel template for videos module
- Flow Video Player Plugin
- JW Video Player Plugin
- New catgories view added with many menu options
- Open video in modal view for content plugin
- Caching requirements checking and ability to disable it
- Default Settings Improved
- Fall Back system improved for browsers
- Image generation improved
- Many new options added for video category layout
- Frames generation fixed !
- Icons don't show in Video.js Player
- Related videos don't show in Video.js Player
- Search plugin fatal error
- and many other bugs fixed !
v1.0.5 17 Jul 2015
- Thumbnail generation don't work when a new video file uploaded
- Youtube video title and description can't be extracted
v1.0.2 25 Feb 2015
New Features:
- Show or hide description in video
- Show or hide embed code in video
- Show or hide sharing buttons in video
- Show or hide user channel in video
- DS constant notice
- HTML tags not decoded in description of videos, channel and categories