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At the top of the JoomCRM Dashboard, navigate to the JoomCRM menu and click "People".This section gives you an overview of all of your people.From here you may "Import People", "Add a Person", View, Filter, and Find people.


By clicking on the "all people" option, you may filter people in a variety of ways from all people, all leads, people who are not leads, people who are shared etc.You may also filter by all users, a team, a manager, a user, and more. In addition, by clicking the text "updated in the past 30 days" you can change this to include everything, due today, due tomorrow, were part of last import etc. In addition, by clicking "any status" you can filter by archived, hot, warm, follow-up, and cold.You may also filter people by their first or last name by typing in the "anything" box as well as import or export your people via a CSV file by clicking the down arrow button (to the right of "Add Person" button) and selecting the button "Import People" or "Export People".

By clicking the "Select Columns" button in the upper right corner, you may select which columns of People information that you wish to display. To add a column, place a checkbox next to the type of column that you wish to add. To remove a column of information, uncheck the column that you wish to remove.

How to Create a New Person

To create a person within JoomCRM, click the "Add Person" button on the People (tab) page. After clicking, an "Add Person" modal box will appear titled "Add Person". On this page, enter the required and applicable information of the new person. Once finished, click the save button at the bottom to save.

  • First / Last Name - is the first and last name / identity of a person or contact.
  • Company Name - is the name or title of the company whom the person works for or represents.
  • Position - is the rank or job title of the person
  • Phone - is the phone number of the person
  • Email - is the email address of the person
  • Lead - the check box determines whether or not a person is a lead
  • Source - is the origin of how you know the person such as cold call, import, none, referral, trade, or website
  • Status - is whether the person is considered archived, hot, warm, follow up, or a cold in regards to CRM.
  • Deal Name - is the name of the deal the person is associated with
  • Work Address - is the work street address or location of a person
  • Home Address - is the home street address or location of a person
  • Assignment - allows you to assign a person as well as make a note of the assignment
  • Additional Contact Info / Social Media Accounts - displays more field and form options to collect additional information such as Home Phone, Fax, Website, Facebook URL, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.

Editing an Existing Person

To edit an existing person, go to the People (tab), and click on the name of the person that you wish to edit. This will take you to the Person's webpage. By clicking the "Edit" button you may change the person's name, company name, position, phone number, address, etc. Once finished, click "save". It will return you to the person's web page. You may also add notes, upload files etc on a person's page.

Deleting a Person

To delete a person (within the person's web page), click the "down arrow" to the right of the Edit button. In the drop down the options are Associate with Deal, Share, Delete Contact, Print, and vCard. To delete, please choose the "Delete" menu item. Alternatively, an easier way to delete from the JoomCRM Dashboard is to navigate to the "People" (tab), and click the checkbox to left of the Person's name. After the box has been checked, text will appear with the words "Perform actions". click actions, and select "Delete".


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