v5.3.7 (19/07/2024)
New Features
- ability to download attenandce report of student as PDF or image
- display warning message is student not attached to user group
- Status column added [Attendance view]
- wrong total students in attendance [Attendances]
- duplicate attendance if already exist [Attendances]
- missed state columns on Parents and Teachers views
- parent not able to see childs attendances
- display only published sections [Sections list field]
- time not needed on filter date
- some UI/UX issues on dark mode
- fatal error when publish/unpublishing students [Admin students list]
- filter by gender was not working correctly [Admin students list]
v5.3.0 (30/04/2024)
New Features
- search by roll or full name on Exams Results [Frontend]
- ability to send mass private messages to students in selected section [PMS]
- Joomschool navigation menu module
- make sure class selected [Results] [Frontend]
- add only students in promotion to the attendance
- students UI/UX list improved
- fatal error when searching for student roll on Payment form [Backend]
- wrong roll saved when promoting students
- division or section select doesn't need default option
- database errors by Joomla DB checker
- option field should be displayed only on select field type
v5.2.4 (04/01/2024)
New Features
- support of multiple sections for students
- Support of multiple divisions for students
- import tool to easily import students, teachers and parent true csv or json file
- student biodata UI/UX improved
- filter by section in attenandance report [Student]
- php warnings due to missed attributtes on calendar field [XML]
- many issues related to J5
- student custom fields doesn't display in profile
v5.0 (28/11/2023)
New Features
- Joomla 5 support without need of BC plugin to be enabled
- skip if student/parent not found in joomla user database [Send announce notification]
- php warnings due to missed attributtes on calendar field [XML]
- case statement missed spacing [Code typo]
- database structure issues
- fatal error on student with no attendane info [Attendance form]
- announcements not displayed if student has only one class [Parent]
- some php warnings of return request
- edit announcement form always empty [Teacher] [Routing]
- wrong receiver id in message reply if reply from message owner
- some php warnings [PHP 8.2]
v4.9.0 (04/09/2023)
New Features
- Now teacher can add private comment that only teachers can see in marksheet
- Private messaging between parents and teachers
- Send announcement notification to parents
- find users list now use Layout for better reuse
- some php warnings PHP 8.2+
v4.8.0 (04/09/2023)
- payment status now use BS5 Classes [Payments]
- UI/UX of invoice button [Payments] [Backend]
- some php warnings on invoice view [Payments] [Frontend]
- payment invoice not display correct details due to routing issue [Frontend] [Routing] [Payments]
- some php warnings [New Payment form]
- wrong parent name [Parent Form] [Backend]
- mktime warnings [PHP 8.1+]
- some issues on updating to J4
- fatal error when searching [Fields Builder]
v4.7.0 (03/08/2023)
New Features
- new view let you see attendances by subject with more details [Backend]
- Add filter for students [Messages]
- search in sender/receiver names [Messages]
- allow/disallow teacher to access results view [Results Area]
- removed some non used files
- dont add user files on build
- image thumb of profile now use layout for better reuse also UI/UX improved
- missed class in sidebar notification [Backend]
- some missed text constants [Language]
v4.6.0 (25/05/2023)
- messages list now has it's own view for better code seperation and to reduce issues
- message filter was not working properly
- description tooltip not needed in filter [Messages list]
- fatal error on notification link if user not yet logged [Private message]
- fatal error on saving existing student profile
- wrong image in students list [Backend]
- disable chosen from select user type [New message]
v4.5.1 (09/05/2023)
- display student image use User Library for better reuse
- student image from backend doesn't display correctly [students]
- exam comment field was missed [Backend] [Exams]
v4.5.0 (27/04/2023)
- UI/UX improved in attendance form
- dont display subject code if empty [Subject field]
- frontend menu UI/UX improved
- new method to get current user profile image for better reuse
- attendance form was not displaying on edit if SEF enabled
- Some php warnings [PHP8.1+]
v4.4.8 (27/03/2023)
- some tables was not reponsive [Layouts]
- message field now use JEditor instead of textarea [Offline Payment]
- fatal error in getPDF function
- collapse menu was not working correctly [Menu layout]
- profiles info doesn't show in biodata
- table getError in many models was wrong
- some wrong links [Dashboard]
- some database issues
v4.4.2 (04/12/2022)
New Features
- Months field now use Joomla Jtext
- wrong roll column datatype in student year table [SQL]
- some sql issues when saving payment from backend if comment empty
- payment not published message was not displaying correctly
- item id not routed correctly
v4.4.0 (01/11/2022)
New Features
- Filter by academic year [Student attendance]
- ability to display all exams result [student result]
- display teachers name in exam results [student result]
- ability to display all exams by default [Result view] [Student]
- Parent can see announcements
- Widgets added to parent dashboard
- Ability to add start/end time in students attendance
- Ability to add note in students attendance
- print attendance sheet
- filter by student class subject [Attendance Report]
- Yearly report now support multiple subjects
- Result now use JLayout for better reuse
- avoid duplicate attendances creation by teacher [Frontend]
- if class/section/subjects/date already exist in attendance table, then redirect to this existing attendance
- Attendance report now use JLayout for better reuse
- Ajax request code refactored for better reuse
- UI/UX of exams [Result View]
- getting user type info code refactored now use new object instance and support also singleton
- checking user group improved [Attendance report view]
- some old overrides removed now
- Some database issues
- attendance table UI/UX improved
- student/teacher/parent can't save profile [Frontend]
- parent name was not saving correctly
- UI/UX edit profile improved
- Students & parents should see only published exams
- Students & parents should see only published announcements
- display only subjects allowed for teacher in messages
- wrong attendances list link [Dashboard]
- fatal error on save [Teacher Edit] [Student Edit]
- Wrong multiple select UI/UX
- issue in parent user group assignment on registration
v4.1.2 (15/07/2022)
New Features
- support of Joomla Download Key Integration
- change text and background color/image of school info in header/footer was not working
- export marks fails
- class subject ajax was not working
- jQuery was not loaded in backend
v4.0 (16/05/2022)
New Features
- Joomla 4 support
- Bootstrap 5 support
- Old assets removed
v1.4.0 (05/05/2022)
New Features
- send email notification on message reply
- ability to delete attendance capture [Attendances manager] [Backend]
- display warning message if message item not found
- display joomla website link if no website link added from config
- wrong website link in footer
- some empty spaces removed in equal operator [Language]
- wrong announcements menu item type name
- announce view should not have menu item type
v1.3.9 (03/04/2022)
- Don't allow to send empty replies [Messages Backend]
- 2 missed languages constants
- wrong receiver id [Messages Backend]
- wrong messages link [XML entry point]
v1.3.8 (26/02/2022)
- responsive improvement in small devices [Latest Messages Layout]
- all tables responsive now [Frontend]
- make sure number format function always get float number
- List looks broken [Pagination layout]
- income list doesn't display [Accounting]
- monthly view was not displaying data [Income Accounting]
- search toolbars doesn't open when filter is active [Income/Expenses]
- Missed translation constant [Transport]
v1.3.7 (14/02/2022)
- migration from phpexcel library to phpspreadsheet
- Excel generation now use helper for better reuse
- history button now moved to toolbar [Payments]
- Export excel file not working [Marks]
- student details doesn't display [Payment History]
- Current year not selected by default [Payments] [History]
- Payment history change year doesn't work properly [Payments] [History]
- Some info doesn't change [School info card layout]
- Displayed dates doesn't use Joomla timezone [Attendances Form]
- Always wrong student check roll value [Library Member Form]
- Some missed info in academic details [Teacher]
- Wrong column name [Attendances list] [Backend]
- duplicate column amount [Payments]
- missed jtext constant [New academic year form]
- Some missed info in academic details [Teacher] [Frontend Dashboard]
v1.3.6 (07/02/2022)
- Plugins installation now use Package system [Installation]
- Building now is outside project for better speed [Build]
- Version auto generated using Phing [Build]
- Payment Processing and displaying Payment HTML code moved to helper for better reuse [Payment]
- Display error message if no payment plugin is enabled [Payment]
- Plugins not installed [Installation]
- Wrong subjects name in teacher info [Backend]
- Wrong year name in student info [Backend]
- Wrong timezone of create / last update [Attendances]
- Wrong subject names [teacher Profile]
- User name not displayed in entry by [Attendance report]
- Fatal error when clicking on process [Payment]
v1.3.5 (18/01/2022)
New Features
- Ability to select subjects [Take/View Attendance]
- comment now use textarea tag [Marksheet]
- student can select subjects when sending private message to teacher.
- PHP Warning in message view
v1.3.4 (28/12/2021)
New Features
- Ability to display custom status to message [Teacher Role] [Message]
- Ability to attach class subjects to message [Teacher Role] [Message]
- Ability to filter messages by class, class subjects, message, custom status ... [Teacher Role] [Message]
- Announcements UI/UX now like Messages
- deleting parent was not working [Backend] [Parents List]
- pagination limit was not working properly [Message]
v1.3.3 (23/10/2021)
New Features
- Send announcement notification email to all students in specific class [Announcements]
- Some UI/UX improvements [Announcements]
- Some warnings and issues in single announce item
v1.3.2 (20/10/2021)
New Features
- Teacher can manage announcements of his classes
- Support of multi files attachment
- Ability to set maximum attachment files allowed in single item
- Some UI/UX improvements in frontend
- Pagination should not be in accounting view
v1.3.0 (16/09/2021)
New Features
- Files attachment in private message and message reply [Backend] [Frontend]
- All table now use charset UTF8mb4
- Message reply now use JForm
- Wrong messages default order [Messages manager] [Backend]
- Filter was not working [Messages manager] [Backend]
- Some missed JText constants was missed
v1.2.8.1 (02/09/2021)
- Some missed JText constants [Attendance report view]
v1.2.8 (24/08/2021)
- Display user name in conversation [Conversation Details]
- User avatar doesn't display [Conversation Details]
- issue in language file
- Wrong messages list order
v1.2.7 (23/08/2021)
New Feature
- Send email notification when user receive a new private message
- Check if current user has the correct role and profile ID [Frontend] [Edit profile]
- Display teacher grade comment [Exam Result]
- Display student name and roll [Exam Result]
- Uploading new photo [Frontend]
- Editing user profile was not working properly [Frontend]
- No message shown when grade details saved [Marksheet]
- Added some missed language constants
v1.2.5 (13/08/2021)
- Check if joomla user already linked to joomschool to avoid duplication
- Joomla user integration now isolated
- Email and name was not updated [Edit user] [Backend]
- Wrong user modal [Edit user] [Backend]
- Registration or update errors of user are not displayed [Edit user] [Backend]
- Make sure to display counts of students with existing joomla user [Dashboard]
- New students count should be outside jtext [Sidebar] [Backend]
v1.2.4 (09/08/2021)
- Check user group automatically without SQL query
- Parents/teachers/students parent group should be always "registered" group [SQL]
v1.2.3.1 (02/06/2021)
- Due amount moved after paid amount [Invoice View]
v1.2.3 (12/05/2021)
- 2 new columns added to payments list (paid amount and due amount) [Payments View]
- Invoice pdf now use JLayout for better reuse
- Pay now button should not be displayed on paid status [Payments view]
- Due amount calculation issues [Invoice view]
- Payment method name not displayed [Invoice view] [Backend]
- Invoice status doesn't change [Invoice view]
- Download invoice button was not working correctly [Payments View] [Frontend]
- Invoice button was not working correctly [Payments View] [Frontend]
- dompdf library was missed
v1.2.2.3 (14/04/2021)
- Download ID, was not working correctly [Dashboard]
- Some missed JText constants [Language]
v1.2.2 (13/03/2021)
- Profile photo UI improved [All Forms] [Backend]
- Class, subjects and division now use badges for better UI [Teachers list] [Backend]
- Pagination was not working [Classes list] [Backend]
- Rules tab not needed [Parent Form] [Backend]
- Rules tab not needed [Teacher Form] [Backend]
- Designation field was missed [Teacher Form] [Backend]
- Class, Section & subject should be always required [Teacher Form] [Backend]
- Fatal error when retrieving classname [SQL] [Teachers List] [Backend]
- Fatal error if teacher not yet assigned to class, section, subject
v1.2.1 (04/03/2021)
- Columns division, section and subject now use badge for better UI [Classes View] [backend]
- Buttons action UI improved [Students view]
- Present status now use select option instead of checkbox for better UX [Take Attendance Form]
- Marks table view UI/UX improved [Results view] [Frontend]
- display no comment message if teacher didn't leave comment in exam
- Modern latest message widget [Dashboard]
- now use JLayout for better reuse [Dashboard]
- Pagination now use JLayout for better reuse
- Message conversation now have a new modern look [Message details view]
- Teacher suggestions list UI/UX improved [New Message view]
- display count of unread replies [Messages]
- Teacher column not needed [Attendances View]
- Fatal error if class has no divisions or subjects or sections [Classes view] [Backend]
- No need to hide divisions, subject and sections on new class [Class form] [Backend]
- no message displayed if student select an exam [Results view] [Frontend]
- Wrong student name when getstudentname function called [Results view] [Frontend]
- only subjects with marks should be displayed [Results view] [Frontend]
- Exam marks should be saved with student id not Joomla user id [Exams view] [Backend]
- Pagination links was not working [Messages View]
- Fatal error when trying to get student suggestions list [New Message view]
- user picture was not showing in conversation [Message details view]
- Hide Existing User field if parent or teacher or student already coupled with joomla user [Backend] [Form view]
- don't allow to change password if parent or teacher or student already coupled with joomla user [Backend] [Form view]
- unread message update was not working correctly
- Wrong routing [Attendances View]
- teacher should see only his classes and sections in filter [Attendances View]
- some issues in marks and results views
v1.2.0 (29/01/2021)
New Features
- Namespaced Bootstrap 4 support for frontend
- Unified dashboard
- Modern Dashboard UI/UX
- Ability to attach an existing joomla user to a student, parent, teacher
- Internal main menu navigation in frontend for quick access
- Compatiblity with PHP 7.4
- User/parent/teacher details tab moved first [Edit form
- New filters of list views follow Joomla standards
- Download ID widget was not working correctly [Dashboard]
- Some missed language constants
- PDF generation was not working correctly
v1.1.0 (15/05/2020)
- Compatiblity with PHP 7.4
- Download ID widget was not working correctly [Dashboard]
v1.0 (17/04/2019)
- Initial version