Easy Local Google Fonts
Joomla! 4.0
Joomla! 5.0
Version: 5.2.0
Release Date: 19 August 2024
This Joomla extension let you download Google fonts automatically to your server and use it instead of remote one, which makes all google fonts DSGVO compliant.
Main Features
- Automatically download google fonts to your server
- Detects complex google fonts links
- Detect google fonts inside CSS files and replace them with local fonts
- Automatically remove remote google api fonts and use local one
- Automatically remove remote google static fonts and use local one
- Automatically remove remote google icon fonts and use local one
- Support font links without http(s) portion
- Detect font links with spaces between attributes or with different attributes order
- Detect fonts added by Joomla Document API and also fonts added manually to template.
- DSGVO Compliant
- Joomla update system support
- Ability to clear local fonts (also display path and cache size)
- Check fonts folder path and size
- Support any 3rd party extensions that use Google fonts like SP Page Builder
- Support any template framework like Gantry, Helix Ultimate, Sparky Framework, T4 ...
- Relative URLs support