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Create an election at JoomElection

Start by creating at least one election, in our case we will take as an example:

Election of OSM president Association

In the menu JoomElection click the link Election

In the form that opens enter the: Name of the election: Election of OSM president Association

The type of election: Candidate election (in our case) but you can select candidate list election in the case your election is on the candidate list

Date to open, Time to open, Date to close, Time to close, Election Description

In the tab "Vote confirmation" you can define the error messages after any vote operation confirmation and message that invite user to confirm vote.

In the tab "Success Vote" you can define the success messages after success vote operation

And in the tab “Email” you can define Voter email message that includes username and password Note: E-mail's header and message body are automatically personalized for every voter when e-mail is sent. Place for these tokens can be configured by placing tokens to desired locations in message body. Token have to be identical with following examples (including brackets).

  • [name] : user's name
  • [username] : log-in username
  • [password] : password
  • [election_name] : election's name
  • [www] : URL to election website
Click on save button to save your first election with JoomElection
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