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Import voters list at JoomElection

Import the list of electors from a CSV file. To do so, proceed as follows.

Click on the button “Import voters” from the menu Components->JoomElection->Voters


The file should contain 4 columns:

  1. first column: name
  2. The second column: username (login)
  3. The Third column: password
  4. The fourth column: email 


 If this is not clear, you will find an example file that comes with the component package in the folder administrator/components/com_JoomElection/importExample


Select the CVS voters file and click on the button upload.


  1. Remember that username and email has to be unique (there cannot be existing Joomla! user with same username or email). Clear text password is no longer available after
  2. Users imported in JoomElection can log onto the site and recognized as joomla! registered users 

Once you finish, you can create a menu item that point to the JoomElection component and start test