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CRON Job in JoomFunding

You should execute this script from command line on your server. You have to do it as CRON job. To be possible, your hosting provider has to provide this service.

Check the documentation of your hosting provider for more information about how to create CRON jobs.

First, you have to install it via Joomla! extensions manager. The system will put the script in the "/cli" folder.

You should execute the script in the following ways. When you do it, the system will load "joomfundingcron" plugins and will evoke one of their events.

  • php -q /...path_to_website.../cli/joomfunding_cron.php --notify --context=updates
  • php -q /...path_to_website.../cli/joomfunding_cron.php --update
  • php -q /...path_to_website.../cli/joomfunding_cron.php --execute

There are three options that set the type of actions that will perform the script:

  • --notify - this should be used when you would like to handle an event "onCronNotify".
  • --update - this should be used when you would like to handle an event "onCronUpdate".
  • --execute - this should be used when you would like to handle an event "onCronExecute".

There is an option "--context=" that you should use to check whether you are in the desired context for the plugin.

For example: 

// This line will evoke the method onCronNotify with context "com_joomfunding.cron.notify.updates".

php -q /...path_to_website.../cli/joomdfunding_cron.php --notify --context=updates

Cron Job Starts