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Users phone number confirmation with JoomSMS

When a user registers on your website you want to make sure that he is a real person and this user isn't a robot because you don't want to waste your credits. 
Here is how to prevent your website from robots or fake users using the double opt-in feature.

  • How to enable the double opt-in
  • How to edit the double opt-in message

If you want to verify the phone number for other integrations :

  • Joomla phone number validation
  • Phone number validation for other integrations

How to enable the double opt-in

If you want to enable the double opt-in you should go in the JoomSMS configuration, click on the the "Interfaces" tab and then select the integration(s) you want for the double opt-in.

joomsms double optin

Then once the registration form is completed by your users a SMS will be sent to their phone numbers in order to confirm their subscription.

When the user will try to register using the module he will be redirected to the confirmation page.

The user will have to enter his validation code and JoomSMS will validate his subscription.

joomsms activationcodesent

Joomla phone number validation

If you have enabled the double opt-in for Joomla, the registration form will be changed as you can see on the screenshots below.
The button to register will be replaced by a phone field. The user will have to enter his phone number and then the confirmation code to confirm his registration.

joomsms joomladoubleoptin

joomsms joomladoubleoptinconfirmationcode

Once the confirmation code validated, JoomSMS will complete the registration automatically.

Phone number validation for other integrations

You can use the double opt-in feature with other integrations.

  • Phone number validation for HikaShop
  • Phone number validation for VirtueMart