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General FAQs of JoomCRM

What is a Cron Job?

Cron jobs are scheduled tasks that take place at predefined times or intervals on the server. Often, a cron job is a series of simple tasks executed from a script file. cPanel offers this screen as a tool for setting up cron jobs.

To set up a cron job:

1. Configure the interval at which you wish to run the cron job.

  • Common Settings — This menu allows you to select a commonly used interval without having to specify settings for the minute, hour, day, month, and so on.
  • Minute — Use this drop-down menu to select the number of minutes between running the cron job, or the minute each hour on which you wish to run the cron job.
  • Hour — Use this drop-down menu to select the number of hours between running the cron job, or the hour each day on which you wish to run the cron job.
  • Day — Use this drop-down menu to select the number of days between running the cron job, or the day of the month on which you wish to run the cron job.
  • Month — Use this drop-down menu to select the number of months between running the cron job, or the month of the year in which you wish to run the cron job.
  • Weekday — Use this drop-down menu to select the day(s) of the week on which you wish to run the cron job.

2. In the Command field, type the command you wish the system to run.

3. Click Add New Cron Job.

  • What command do I run?
    The command you will want to run is
    "/usr/bin/curl http://yourhosthere.domain/index.php?option=com_joomcrm&task=mail.brewCoffee&format=raw"
    Note: If cURL is located in a directory other than /usr/bin, you will need to contact your hosting company to find the correct path and replace /usr/bin/curl with the path to cURL on your server.
  • I'm not getting any emails
    An easy way to test your JoomCRM installation is by manually visiting the url
    If you receive an email after manually visiting the above URL in your browser then you have misconfigured your cron job. If you do not receive an email after manually visiting the above URL you need to ensure that your Joomla! mailer has been configured correctly

What are goal leaderboards?

Goal leaderboards give you a visual on the progress of a goal. When creating a goal check the "Create Leadeboard" checkbox.

How does JoomCRM work with emails?

When you click on a contact or leads email address in JoomCRM your default mail client will be launched with the correct email address populated and also BCC your registered JoomCRM address.

User email addresses can be changed by going to the Profile page and clicking the "User Inbox" tab. Unread emails will show up on your dashboard in the "Inbox" area. you may click on emails and automatically associate them with a deal or person. Any attachments will be saved as documents in JoomCRM.

You will need to set up information regarding your email configuration by going to "Config" in the JoomCRM admin in order to use this feature.

Note: Emails will only display in the Inbox on the dashboard if you exclusively email your configured server email address.

What are shared documents?

Shared documents are documents that can be accessed by all users. These can be templates or other important documents you wish everyone to see. you may upload shared documents by going to "Shared Documents" in the JoomCRM admin.

What kind of goals can I create?

Goals can be created for an individual,a team, and company-wide. Goals can be created to win more money, win more deals, convert more leads, write notes, complete tasks, and more.