v5.6.0 (04/09/2024)
New Features
- Batch Processing on Projects
- ability to display or hide archived milestones in milestones select list
- ability to display task id in tasks and task views
- ability to show task details by default of show only if has comments [Tasks List view]
- select list now use BS Select [Task form]
- Dark mode support of labels [Labels Field]
- select attachment modal was not working [Project Form] [Backend]
- Some php warnings on Calendar fields [Project Form] [Backend]
- Breadcrumbs issue with project link [Breadcrumbs]
- reminder modal doesn't work from backend
v5.4.7 (24/06/2024)
New Features
- ability to truncate titles [Calendar Module]
- global access on components
- margin between avatar and comment [Latest Comments module]
- item links was added [Latest comments module]
- added support of global access on project tabs
- remove some non used code
- Duplicate items issues [Backend] [Records List]
- some php warnings on dashboard route
- some php warnings [Calendar module]
- some issues when saving taks due to last Joomla updates
v5.3.0 (08/04/2024)
New Features
- Latest comments module
- ability to hide archived tasks on tasks select list field on forms
- Comments UI/UX improved
- now we use Joomla radio default field instead of JPRadio on switcher
- many issues related to comments display
- wrong spelling in some words
- modified_by error when adding new file
v5.2.6 (09/02/2024)
- filter was not working correctly [Timesheet]
- some php warning if date is null [MilsetoneGroupItem layout]
- force download file in repo was not working correctly
v5.2.5 (23/01/2024)
New Features
- Auto checking feature [on repo, soon will be added on others]
- getMenu in routing using container
v5.2.0 (21/12/2023)
New Features
- Ability to group by task lists [Tasks module]
- UI/UX of tasks list improved [Tasks module]
- tasks list now use Layout for better reuse [Tasks module]
- mysql 8 issues [Database]
v5.1.0 (23/11/2023)
New Features
- Now you can specify which files extensions can be forced for download on browser [Repository]
- Some php warnings
- Fatal error on file upload on backend and frontend [Repository]
v5.0 (11/11/2023)
New Features
- Support Joomla 5 without B/C plugin
- Change project in task edit was not working
v4.8.0 (29/09/2023)
New Features
- option that let you select active project [Dashboard view] [Menu item]
- admin maintenance tool that let you execute sql update file
- task item now use Layout helper for better reuse [Tasks list]
- UI/UX of buttons improved [Task item] [Tasks List view]
- add label button size reduced by removing text and add it as title attribute [Projects list]
- record id not removed from state when adding new task to timesheet
- some php warnings in calendar module helper
- some php warnings in time form
- removed sql update 4.1.0 cuz duplicate of 1.2.0
- some php warnings if class sfx not set [Modules]
- CLI was not compatible with J4 [Notifications]
- CLI was not compatible with J4 [Reminders]
v4.7.6 (23/08/2023)
- forum link removed
- translations plateform link updated (we have moved to Crowdin instead of OneSky)
- Joomla database checker issues
- alias not removed automatically from parent_id [Model repository]
v4.7.4 (31/07/2023)
- remove labels next to icons and display them as tooltips to improve UI/UX [Projects List]
- some php warnings [Plugin JP Activities]
- force template was not working correctly after Joomla 4.3+ version
v4.7.0 (21/07/2023)
- title and alias columns size increased [SQL]
- task title doesn't update if changed in tasks table [TimeSheet]
- missed itemid in participant link [Users] [Routing]
v4.6.4 (12/06/2023)
- JRoute removed from modal links to avoid routing issues [Task Reminders]
- sent reminder not deleted when sent in direct mode [Task Reminders]
- some php warnings on reminders plugin
- recorder link no need to be routed [Time Tracking]
v4.6.2 (05/06/2023)
- some wrong fields in reminders form [Frontend]
- some php warnings [Calendar module]
v4.6.1 (25/05/2023)
- amount field repeated and type missed [Reminder form]
- some php warnings on new reminder creation
- some php warnings [Tasks list] [Backend]
v4.6.0 (11/04/2023)
New Features
- Ability to enable/disable pdf downloading [Repo]
- new option to force Joomla Bootstrap loading, this fix bootstrap issues in many templates including T4 for JoomlArt.
- Reminder form UI/UX improved
- iziModal zindex increased
- Juri::base() added to all ajax urls
- force album_id to integer [Table Design]
- Some php warnings due to wrong script signature
- wrong fieldpath in model forms
- plugins doesn't auto enable on new installation
- filter by projects was not working [Designs list] [Backend]
- some dummy text removed [All layout] [Design view]
v4.5.0 (23/02/2023)
New Features
- ability to upload custom thumbnail [Design Item]
- support of webp image format [Design Item]
- display description of time item inside popover [Timesheet]
- display thumb code now moved inside field class
- Some issues related to time tracker
- Wrong default tab selected [Tabs]
- Tabs broken when custom fields used [Task form] [Frontend]
- some php warnings [Compatiblity with PHP 8.1+]
- fatal error when Create new group option is enabled [Project]
- some php warnings related to pageclass_sfx param
- make sure to display "not set" if deadline date is null [Backend] [Projects]
- multiple pagination [Backend] [Projects]
- pagination was not working [Backend] [Projects]
v4.3.1 (13/01/2023)
- filter attachments by milestone Id
- issue installation of JP Activities
- some issues on activity type creation [Activities]
- action buttons doesn't activate when item checked [Task Lists] [Backend]
- reminders menu should not be added on default menu [New Installation]
v4.2.3 (30/09/2022)
- task title now use text-success and check icon if is complete [Task view] [Frontend]
- Hourly rate now support big values
- UI/UX revisions block [Design] [Frontend]
- Relative month numbers incorrect
- relative month tooltip doesn't display
- some issues in database sql
- sometime saving comments doesn't work
- Hourly rate field input UI/UX fixed
v4.2.0 (06/09/2022)
New Features
- 2 new info can be extracted: Task lists names and tasks names [CSV Export] [Milestones]
- UI/UX revisions block [Design] [Frontend]
- compact date in tasks improved to support months number if days > 90
- Event name now use JText [Translation] [Activities]
- en-GB removed from language files
- Display items duration as days and month [Gantt Module]
- display months number if number of days higher than 60 days in relative date
- Show all buttons doesn't display [Design] [Frontend]
- add new note was not working [Repository] [Frontend] [J4]
- cancel note was not working [Repository] [Frontend] [J4]
- Modal doesn't close on user select [Tasks List]
- Gantt Chart conflict with default Joomla template
- Wrong tasks/tasklists links [Milstones list]
- Wrong field type "usergroup" [Users List] [XML]
- fatal error if no milestone created yet
- copy/move tasks was not working [Batch]
- fatal error on uninstallation
- Database structure issues detected by Joomla
v4.1.0 (01/08/2022)
New Features
- CSV Export of projects, tasks, milestones and timesheet
- Ability to display custom fields inside column info
- Joomla Download Key Integration support
- Milestones now support Joomla categories
- Display months number if number of days higher than 60 days in relative date
- Fatal error on uninstallation
- Database structure issues detected by Joomla
- Some possible alias generation issues
v4.0 (12/05/2022)
New Features
- Bootstrap 5 support
- Joomla 4.1+ support
- Comments UI/UX improved
- Filters now use Joomla structure like in Articles [Backend]
- JoomActivities merged with JoomProject , now called JP Activities
- All old assets removed
- Labels manager UI/UX improved
v1.1.10 (31/03/2022)
New Features
- Ability to display project dashboard comments as tab in project internal navigation
- Ability to enable/disable crop of thumbnails [Designs Component]
- Ability to change thumbnails quality [Designs Component]
- Display items state count [Dashboard] [Widget Count card]
- PDFJS lib updated to last version
- display only published activities [Activities module]
- count state links are now clickable and filter by status [Count Cards Layout]
- UI/UX of widget count card [Dashboard]
- Incorrect total users count in team tab [Internal project navigation]
- display only published items count [Internal project navigation]
- fatal error due to php 8 compatibility [Time form]
- fatal error due to php 8 compatibility [Forum topic]
- wrong files count in tab "Files" [Project Internal navigation Layout]
- fatal error when accessing to projects if user not super admin [Projects] [Backend]
- duplicate project is logged with no admin user [Backend]
- Group view actions not removed after project is deleted [Project]
- adding project group view actions was not working correctly [Access]
- old groups view actions should not be removed if rules empty [Access] [Project]
v1.1.9 (03/03/2022)
New Features
- Ability to let owner of project to edit permissions and access of project [Permissions]
- checking access of permissions feature now use Helper for better reuse
- Hide roles/teams option cuz not yet completed [Config]
- only admin should remove/add users in groups [Project] [Permissions]
v1.1.8.6 (16/12/2021)
- build outside project for better speed [Building Process]
- Some php notices [PHP 8]
v1.1.8.5 (10/12/2021)
New Feature
- enable / disable Joomla caching when using direct mode [Reminders Plugin]
- build outside project for better speed [Build]
- send also late emails
- display error message if Cron Job fails [Reminders component]
- check plugin and component if enabled was nor working properly [Reminders component]
- Fatal error in CLI file [Reminders Plugin]
v1.1.8.4 (01/12/2021)
- Filter now use JLayout for better use, also UI/UX improved [Topics List]
- Display add buttons only if there is links in it [Nav toolbar]
- Filter now use JLayout for better use, also UI/UX improved [Projects List]
- some improvement finding itemid for main Nav [Routing]
- Save doesn't work on reminder edit because of date validation [Reminder Edit]
- Save after editing reminder was not working properly [Reminder edit]
- Fatal error due to PHP8 compatibility [Designs View]
- Fatal error on profile image change due to PHP8 compatibility [User component] [Frontend]
- canEdit & canAdd was not working properly [Reminder Edit/Save]
- Fatal error [PHP 8] [Tasks view] [Frontend]
- Style not applied to reminder form [Task Edit] [Reminder Edit Modal] [Frontend]
- missed JText language constant [Configuration]
v1.1.8 (29/06/2021)
- Comments list UI/UX improved
- "New" dropdown menu right aligned when large screen [Main Navigation Layout]
- Some php warning when approving/declining design [Designs Component]
- Duplicate approve/decline buttons [Designs Component]
- Comments count missed space in bottom action buttons [Milestones List] [ListGroupItem Layout]
- Missed class badge in labels generator method [Labels Helper]
- Make sure to skip item if not start date is set [Tasks Helper] [Calendar Module]
- Projects with no selected category doesn't display [Projects List]
- Duplicate projects/milestones/lists [Gantt Module]
v1.1.7.1 (11/06/2021)
- Project should not be changed in form if item already created [Project Field]
- PHP 8 Compatibility issues
v1.1.7 (14/05/2021)
- Filter UI/UX improved [Milestones list view]
- Filter now use JLayout for better reuse [Milestones list view]
- Duplicate tasks [Gantt Chart Module] [Calendar Module]
v1.1.6.10 (30/03/2021)
- Filter section now use JLayout for better reuse [Repository view]
- Dropdown buttons was not working [List items]
v1.1.6.9 (27/03/2021)
- Some few CSS improvements [Project Internal Navigation Layout]
- Some few CSS improvements [Main Internal Navigation Layout]
- Calculated settings was not displaying the correct values [Permissions Tab] [All Edit Forms]
- Edit button was not working in single Item [Routing]
- Some debugging code was left [Task Model]
v1.1.6.6 (13/03/2021)
- Tabs now Joomla JHtml [Reply Form]
- Issue in View action [ACL]
- admin.style.css not found issue in console [Assets]
- Project switcher was not displayed [Backend]
- 2 missed language constants translation [Language]
- Tabs broken [Reply Form] [Frontend]
- Wrong replies displayed inside topics if permission changed [Replies view] [Frontend]
- Topic JText missed [Topic Edit form] [Backend]
- Project links not working [Projects list view] [Routing] [Frontend]
v1.1.6.5 (01/03/2021)
- Auto replace of version [Build Tool]
- Filter now use JLayout for better reuse also UI improved [Tasks View]
- PHP Fatal error [Comments View] [Backend]
v1.1.6.4 (01/03/2021)
New Features
- OS Membership User profile and avatar integration
- User avatar link was missed [Internal main navigation layout]
v1.1.6.3 (18/02/2021)
- Itemid detection now use an intelligent method [Internal Navigation]
- Maintenance script for projects that don't use view action [Installation script]
- Make sure fullscreen mode executed on frontend only
- Internal navigation enabled by default
- User avatar not floating [Tasks Module]
- Access level column not needed anymore [Projects view] [Backend]
- Wrong update component ID [Version checker]
- Fatal error on all modules that use filterByViewAccess method
v1.1.6 (14/02/2021)
New Features
- Extension Uninstall Dependency, child elements cannot be uninstalled independently [Installation]
- Ability to allow/disallow view access per component on each group [Permissions & Access]
- Internal main navigation with quick add and user avatar [Display]
- Internal Project navigation [Display]
- Force fullscreen mode to display component (tmpl=component) [Display]
- Ability to force a defined template theme to component [Display]
- Recently added items graph [Dashboard] [Backend]
- Items count cards [Dashboard] [Backend]
- New modern dashboard UI/UX [Backend] [Backend]
- Dashboard view now use JLayout for better reuse [Dashboard] [Backend]
- Ability to disable comments system on some views [JPComments]
- Reminder item now use JLayout for better reuse [Reminders]
- New/Updated reminder is added without reloading task in edit form [Task form]
- Pagination in time module now use JLayout for better reuse
- "Manage custom fields" and "custom field groups" buttons removed from toolbar [All list views] [Backend]
- Sidebar menu items now use submenus for better navigation [Sidebar] [Backend]
- Some widgets like Download ID, product info ... now will be displayed only if user is a super amdin [Dashboard] [Backend]
- addSubmenu method unified [Backend]
- Pagination now use JLayout on all views for better reuse
- Projects Table layout UI/UX improved
- Assigned users layout UI/UX improved [Projects view] [Compact List layout]
- Dash buttons UI/UX improved
- Project permission tab UI/UX improved
- Remove version check attribute in groupaccess field
- Force load TinyMCE instead of JCE in replies cuz has problems in rendering
- Note item UI improved in all devices [Repository]
- Item background style generation now use Helper method for better reuse [Helper Color]
- Wrong type of param filter_order_dir [Comments component] [Config]
- Incorrect permission check on edit [Reminder form]
- Billable button UI broken [Time Form]
- admin.style.css file removed not needed anymore [Media]
- No spacing between projects grouping [Projects view]
- Wrong assigned users layout name [Projects view] [Compact List layout]
- Collapse doesn't work well in some templates
- Missed Last day Jtext strings [Language]
- Incorrect margin bottom between cards [BS]
- Missed bottom space on project select [Dashboard view] [Frontend]
- Wrong column classes [Edit form] [Project Component]
- Duplicate spacer field [Config] [JP Projects]
- Wrong text in description tag [JP Reminders plugin]
v1.1.4.8 (26/03/2020)
- Ajax calls now use Joomla AJAX component [JP Time module]
- Create menu module on new installation was missed [install script]
- Dashboard menu always disabled in new installation [Install Script]
- Some space was missed in count value [JP Tasks Counter module]
- Moving wrong cli reminders file in root cli folder [JPReminders plugin] [Install Script]
- File require paths are wrong [JPReminders plugin]
- Caching code removed from CLI file [JPReminders plugin]
v1.1.4.7 (19/03/2020)
New Features
- Filter by date range (this month, this week ....) [Timesheet view] [Time Component]
- Ability to add log time quickly on tasks list [Tasks View] [Tasks module]
- Ability to disable root category from categories select [Project form]
- Right widget of project information now use list instead of table [Projects list view]
- Time recorder UI improved [Time component]
- Filter UI improved [Timsheet view] [Time component]
- Table and pagination UI improved [Timsheet view] [Time component]
- Display popover description only if not empty [Timesheet view] [Time component]
- Namespaced fontawesome icons
- Project item now use JLayout for better reuse [Project List]
- Hide item already selected in project/task/milestone [Repository modal] [Repository]
- Hide item already selected in project/task/milestone [Repository modal] [Repository] [Backend]
- Description column type now use text instead of varchar [Reminders] [SQL]
- Milestone item now use JLayout for better reuse [Milestones view]
- Display participants users only if JoomActivities enabled
- Missed default values of subject and body in reminder email [Reminders]
- btn-mini replaced by btn-sm [Bootstrap]
- Pagination was not working well [Timsheet view] [Time component]
- Button with tooltip issue [Bootstrap]
- Pagination broken in protostar and some other templates [Pagination Layout]
- Adding selected attachement to modal url should be only for attachement modal [JS]
- Permission problem when trying to add a new reminder [Reminders]
- If no users assigned of participated label doesn't hide [Projects card list]
v1.1.4.3 (03/12/2019)
- Repository modal UI improved [Repository component]
- Single milestone view UI improved [Milesones component]
- Display files icons according to extension type [Repository component]
- Repository table design improved [Repository component]
- Attachements UI in task view [Tasks component]
- Dashboard buttons UI improved [Dash buttons module]
- Receiving emails with empty data [Reminders]
- Problem in reminders when creating a new task [Task form]
- Access tooltip now changed to popover to support html [JPHtml Label]
- Once new attachement added from modal will be removed to prevent multiple adding [Modal Repository]
- Dropdown work after 2 clicks [Bootstrap]
v1.1.4 (06/11/2019)
New Features
- Joomla! custom fields integration in project, task, repository, milestone, design and forum
- New Quickstart package using Helix ultimate template.
- Namespaced Bootstrap 4 , no more conflict with other old bootstrap versions
- Participants module
- Reminders management in task [New Component Reminders]
- Table projects list view [Project component]
- Ability to display assigned or participants users in project
- Ability to display only current user tasks [Tasks module]
- Calendar json source improved [Calendar module]
- UI/UX improved in many views
- Duplicate reply post in chrome browser [Forum Component]
- Missed language constant value COM_JOOMPROJECT_MILESTONE
- Wrong description of views in projects and users [XML view]
- Some bugs in Gant Chart when Bootstrap 4 used
v1.1.3.13 (02/09/2019)
New Feature
- Date range filter for timesheet table [Timesheet biew]
- php notices in some modules
v1.1.3.11 (20/08/2019)
- missed language files of joomactivities module integration
- memcheck removed when installing or updating
v1.1.3.9 (03/05/2019)
- Repo folder missed in installation [Build file]
- Subfolder display files of it's parent [repository view]
v1.1.3.5 (16/04/2019)
- Fatal error if no project selected [Project Dashboard]
v1.1.3.4 (11/04/2019)
- Project color don't work at all [Project list] [Project Dashboard]
- Milestone color don't work at all [Project list] [Project Dashboard]
- Tasks & tasklist color don't work at all [Tasks list]
- Removed some old deprecated code
v1.1.3.3 (11/01/2019)
- Security fix of projects json information disclosure
v1.1.3.2 (16/12/2018)
- Items state not changing in all list views [Backend]
v1.1.3.1 (05/10/2018)
- Adding new group rule fails in project [Admin]
v1.1.3 (26/09/2018)
- Project edit view improved [Backend]
- Milestone edit view improved [Backend]
- Task edit view improved [Backend]
- Hourly rate field now use Bootstrap classes
- Start and end date field don't work in task and milestone views
- PHP notice when get['view'] variable don't exist
- Actions settings not correctly loaded in permission tab
- Currency symbol and delimiter don't show if not set in project details
- Layouts folder not included in installation of tasks component
v1.1.2 (29/08/2018)
New Feature
- New template for JoomProject
- Batch processing for tasks (copying and moving tasks accross projects)
- Demo content of repo folder removed from installation package
v1.1.1 (10/08/2018)
- Ajax request fail when editing permissions group [backend] [All views]
v1.1.0 (09/07/2018)
New Features
- User activities (full integration with JoomActivities)
- Ajax request fails when editing permissions group [Frontend]
- Missed icon of comments link in sidebar [Backend]
- PHP notice of count function [Tasks model]
- Wrong class name in notification plugin
- PHP notice in count function [Default tmpl] [Tasks component]
- CSS issue in permissions html block [Backend]
- Unified sidebar on all JoomProject components [Backend]
- Task counter module design improved
- Use of table in project infos [Dashboard view] [Projects list view]
- Toolbar buttons moved after project title [Projects list view]
- Changed padding of each task container [Tasks module]
- Added unique id of module container and class [Time module]
v1.0.1 (10/05/2018)
- Modules and plugins author data corrected
- System plugin not auto publish in new installation
- Menu site not auto created in new installation
- CSS files of backend don't load
- Show/hide filter parameter don't work in milestones and tasks components
- Router fatal error in projects component
- Reinstallation fails
- Added base url in all ajax links
- Backend dashboard style updated
- Removed JoomProject word from admin menu lins
- Removed updates folder
v1.0 (02/12/2018)
- Initial Version