What is Easy Accordion Menu?
Easy Accordion Menu is all-in-one vertical accordion menu module for Joomla CMS that can handle any number of sub-menus and features include the option to select either “hover” or “click” to activate the menu, add a count showing the number of links under each menu item & auto-expand menu based on the current page. You can also use “Custom” theme to build custom design with unlimited color combinations.
Install & enable module
- Log in to the Administrator section of Joomla website.
- At the top menu click at Extensions => Extension Manager.
- At the "Upload Package File" tab, click to browse button, select the extension (zip file) which you want to install and then click Upload & Install.
- "Successful" message should appear after clicking Upload & Install.
- From the main Joomla menu click to Extensions => Module manager. Use the Search or Filter feature to find module, and then click on the module. Change module status from unpublished to published and assign module to pages on which you want to see just installed module.
Subtitles and Icons
In Joomla's Menu Manager: Edit Menu Item, use “Link Title Attribute” for Subtitle and “Link CSS Style” for Icon Classes as seen on the graphic bellow.
Module settings
1 - Select Menu
- Select menu: select a menu in the list.
- Base Item: select a menu item to always be used as the base for the menu display. You must set the Start Level to the same level or higher than the level of the base item. This will cause the module to be displayed on all assigned pages. If Current is selected the currently active item is used as the base. This causes the module to only display when the parent menu item is active.
- Start Level: level to start rendering the menu at. Setting the start and end levels to the same # and setting 'Show Sub-menu Items' to yes will only display that single level.
- End Level: level to stop rendering the menu at. If you choose 'All', all levels will be shown depending on 'Show Sub-menu Items' setting.
- Show Sub-menu Items: expand the menu and make its sub-menu items always visible. Default value: 'Yes'.
2 - Event Type
- Event Type: event for activating menu - options are “click” or “hover”. Default value: “Click”.
- Close menu (hover only): if set “Yes” with event “hover” menu will close fully when mouseout. Only available if event type is “hover”. Default value: 'Yes'
- Hover Delay: specify delay for Hover delay for hoverIntent plugin. For example: 500. The range is from 100 to 1000. Default value: 300.*
3 - More settings
- Auto-close open menus: if checked this will allow only one menu item to be expanded at any time. Clicking on a new menu item will automatically close the previous one. Default value: 'Yes'
- Disable Parent links: disable all links of parent items. If selected, any menu items that have child elements will have their links disabled and will only open/close their relevant sub-menus. Do not select this if you want the user to still be able to browse to that item’s page. Default value: 'Yes'
- Save State: save menu state (uses cookies). Selecting this will allow the menu to remember its open/close state when browsing to a new page. Default value: 'Yes'
- Animation Speed: the speed at which the menu will open/close. 3 Options available: Fast, Normal, Slow. Default value: 'Normal'
- Show Toggle Icons: enables Toggle Icons (plus/minus). Default value: 'Yes'
- Count number of child links: if set, it will add a count of the number of links under each parent menu item. Default value: 'Yes'