v5.3.0 (15/03/2024)
New Features
- order candidates in backend
- 2 new orderby types (order, reverse order)
- set default candidates order by in election
- display not yet started elections status
- start voting button added to election card
- election voter email should not be empty
- html tags stripped when saving description [XML Forms]
- issue with timezone when election saved
- election voter email should not be empty
v5.1.1 (16/02/2024)
- UI/UX of candidates list specially columns order [Backend]
- new column added that display candidate list name
- UI/UX of elections list [Backend]
- candidates list select doesn't update when choosing election [Candidate form]
- candidates list select should be required only if election type is list
v5.0 (27/11/2023)
New Features
- Joomla 5 support without need of BC plugin to be enabled
- DID and UpdateServer tags moved to xml package file
v4.4.4 (27/08/2023)
- translation link in dashboard updated to https://crowdin.com/project/joomelection
- lang tag removed from filenames [Languages]
v4.4.0 (18/06/2023)
New Features
- support of contentPrepare on description field
- candidate card now use JLayout for better reuse
- wrong id in electiosn and elections list fields
- html stripped in candidate description
v4.3.0 (10/06/2023)
New Features
- Ability to display candidate image
- candidates and candidate form was redone to follow Joomla Framework
- Editor field now use JForm on all forms
v4.2.4 (30/01/2023)
- Elections list table UI/UX
- deleting items was not working [Lists] [Backend]
- pagination was not working [Candidates and Candidate Lists View]
v4.2.2 (20/01/2023)
- pagination was not working [Backend]
- Elections list table UI/UX broken
v4.2.0 (01/09/2022)
New Features
- Allow/disallow Joomla user groups to vote
v4.1.0 (28/08/2022)
New Features
- Display election type [Backend] [Elections List]
- User can now vote on multiple elections
- Some old code removed for loading bootstrap
- Election result button UI/UX improved [Backend] [Elections List]
- Display "not voter" message if current user is not a voter.
- Insert voter simplified
- vote insertion code improved
- Some changes in xml enty points
- Fatal error when deleting voter
- don't delete joomla user when deleting voter
v4.0 (23/05/2022)
New Features
- Joomla 4 support
- Bootstrap 5 support
- UI/UX improvements in frontend
- Download Key Joomla integration
- Download ID widget removed cuz no more needed
- All old assets removed
- PHP 8+ support
- Some php issues
- wrong option variable in candidates and vote confirmation views
v1.1.0 (24/09/2020)
- Installed version value doesn't display [Dashboard] [Download ID layout]
- Missed "Multiple Group" constant language [Voters view]
- Always hide existing user field on edit [Voter edit view]
v1.0 (01/07/2020)
- Initial version