Email alerts with new jobs by user preferences
- calling the following URL will send notifications about yesterday activated jobs that match users preferred fields and/or locations and/or contract types
- call by cron once a day: there is a lock filethat is preventing from processing this task more than once a day
- if you need to call it more than once a day for testing purposes, delete the lock file
/controllers/job_alert_datetime.php - the task writes some info into the logfile
in your logs folder (logs folder is specified in your Joomla global configuration)
Moving partner jobs on top of the list once a week
- calling the following URL will update all jobs from companies with propery "Is partner=yes" that were activated (published up) before 7 days. They will be activated today (no effect on publish down date) so they will end up at the top of the list with default ordering (which is by publish up date descendant)
&task=misc.move_partner_jobs&key=brekeke - Call by cron once a day (if called more than once a day, nothing will happen)
- The task writes some info into logfile
in your /logs folder (logs folder is specified in your Joomla global configuration)
Note: you can change crontask key in config -> Other tab, default key is brekeke