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JoomVideos v1.4.8 - Allow users to download videos


Good news for JoomVideos users, a new version of the best Joomla extension for videos management is available for update, this version brings 2 new features with many improvements and bug fixes.

What's new?

  • Ability to allow user groups to download video [Video View] [ACL]
  • Ability to change categories order by title and order [Categories module]
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JoomVideos v1.4.0 with many new features and improvements


The best videos manager extension for Joomla CMS has received a new big update, version 1.4.0, which brings 20+ new features and improvements compared to the last version.

Here list of changes:

  • Joomla! Custom fields integration in videos, playlists, channels
  • Namespaced Bootstrap 4 no more conflicts with old Bootstrap versions
  • Vimeo Videos Import [Upload view]
  • Floating video on scrolling [All video players]
  • Swiper carousel instead of OWL Carousel [Modules]
  • Ability to change background color of player container [Video view]
  • Ability to upload remote links and specify type (for directvideo, hls and dash)
  • Ability to enable or disable url format testing in remote videos
  • Ability to enable or disable url status checking in remote videos
  • Ability to show / hide subcategories [Categories module]
  • Ability to show / hide thumbnails [Categories module]
  • Ability to override title, change items count ... and more  [User videos plugin for JomSocial]
  • Display categories dynamically based on current category view id [Categories module]
  • Ability to show or hide empty categories [Categories module]
  • Default image of channel updated
  • Display warning message if no module published in home positions, message can be seen only by super users [Home View]
  • Modules chrome now uses card style [Home View]
  • JLayouts used in modules and many views area for better reuse.
  • UX/UI improved in many views
  • Uploading tab config well organized [Config]
  • Ability to upload private vimeo videos [Vimeo Import]
  • and more ... 
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JoomVideos v1.3.3 Released - 4K support and videos in root category

JoomVideos v1.3.3

We are happy to announce the new version of JoomVideos, the best videos sharing platform for Joomla CMS.

2 new features (4k videos processing support and display any videos in root category), 5 improvements and 13 bug fixes which makes JoomVideos the best choice to manage your videos or to build a videos management platform on your Joomla website.

New features in JoomVideos v1.1.3

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  2856 Hits

New version of JoomVideos - v1.3.0 with +20 new features

joomvideos--features13 JoomVideos 1.3 with 20 new features

New version 1.3.0 of JoomVideos component, the best videos sharing platform component for Joomla CMS.

This new release comes with +20 new features, 11 improvements and more than 17 fixes which makes JoomVideos the best choice to to build video galleries or videos sharing platform on your Joomla website.

Here list of main new features:

  • Plugins manager view that let you manage official plugins easily from backend
  • Quick Youtube videos import using Youtube API
  • Reveal animations in videos and categories
  • HLS support as remote plugin (Online Streaming)
  • DASH support as remote plugin (Online Streaming)
  • New player added (MP4Player), support Youtube, Vimeo, HLS and MP4
  • Quota (limit disk space usage of uploaded files by user group)
  • Limits (limit videos, playlists, files .... added by user group)
  • Many new ACL rules added
  • Upload subtitle to video with support in players
  • Watermark support added in VideoJS
  • Logobrand support added in VideoJS
  • Ability to display full video with details or only video when using content plugin
  • New Recently graph added in backend dashboard
  • Ability to force bootstrap framework loading
  • PHP v7.2 support
  • and more ...
New features in JoomVideos v1.3

Check full changelog here

Check product page here

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JoomVideos Component Updated v1.1.8

JoomVideos Component Updated v1.1.8

New version 1.1.8 of JoomVideos component, the best video sharing component for Joomla!

In this release we have added many new features, the main features are embed code and server bulk upload , now you can add videos inside your joomla! root folder quickly and easily, also we have also fixed many bugs reported by our users.

Features list of v1.1.8

  • Embed Code - You can add any embed code in video item, this feature disabled by default in configuration
  • Server Bulk Upload - Let you add videos that already exist in your server , this feature disabled by default in configuration
  • Translation Manager - Now you can translate Joomvideos backend and frontend quickly and easily in any language
  • Komento Integration
  • Disqus integration
  • Facebook comments integration
  • JomSocial integration to show user videos in profile
  • EasySocial Stream integration , if user add a video or channel will be added in his social stream
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JoomVideos Component Updated v1.1.7

JoomVideos Component Updated v1.1.7

We are happy to announce a new version of JoomVideos component, the best video sharing component for Joomla!

In this release we have added many new features, the main features is bootstrap 3 support and open graph protocol added in video and category page, we have also fixed many bugs reported by our users.

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